Post Discharge Mortality Among Preterm Newborns Admitted To Selected Public Hospitals Nicu Addis Ababa Ethiopia Cross Sectional Study

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Introduction: Worldwide, 15 million babies are born prematurely each year. Prematurityrnhas become the leading cause of newborn deaths worldwide, resulting in more than 1rnmillion deaths each year .Preterm birth rates around the globe are increasing and arernnow responsible for 35% of the world’s neonatal deaths; the condition is the secondleadingrnrncause of death among children under five. Ethiopia is among the top 15rncountries that contribute to two-thirds of the world’s preterm babies with an estimatedrnpreterm birth rate of 14.1%. In Ethiopia, of the estimated 91,700 neonatal deaths inrn2010, more than one-third were estimated to be due to complications of preterm birth. rnObjective: The objective of this study is to assess post NICU discharge mortality raternamong preterm infants discharged from selected public Hospital NICU in Addis Ababa. rnMethods: The study design was institutional based cross-sectional descriptive studyrnconducted in selected public hospital NICUs in Addis Ababa. The study subjects werernpreterm neonates who were discharged from NICU. The sampling methods were simplernrandom sampling method. Chart review and phone call was used to collect data. Datarnwas analyzed using descriptive statistics by software called SPSS version 25. rnResult: out of 406 preterm discharges 395(97.3%) survived to 28 days and 11(2.7%)rndied making post discharge mortality rate of preterm neonates is 2.7 %.There were nornstatistically significant association between post discharge mortality among pretermrnneonates and neonatal, maternal and sociodemographic characteristics. rnRecommendation :post discharge preterm mortality is low in this research , which isrnencouraging but critical attention should be paid on improving in hospital survivalrnespecially for extremely low and very low birth weight neonate because the vastrnmajority did not survive to discharge. They account a significant minority in this study.

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Post Discharge Mortality Among Preterm Newborns Admitted To Selected Public Hospitals Nicu Addis Ababa Ethiopia Cross Sectional Study