Assessment Of Pediatric Residents Knowledge Attitude And Practice Regarding Oxygen Therapy And Its Complications At Tash And Spmmc Addis Ababa

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Background: Oxygen therapy is a medical treatment used for tissuernhypoxia. It has the potential to improve medical outcomes and savernlives when used appropriately and to cause harm if usedrninappropriately. rnrnObjective: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice of residents and rnabout oxygen therapy and its complications in pediatrics department ofrnTASH and SPMMC. rnrnMethodology: A cross-sectional descriptive design was employed. All rnPediatrics residents working in will be used as a source population. Therntotal sample was determined by using single population formula byrnconsidering the assumptions 95% confidence interval with margin ofrnerror 5% the calculated final sample size is 141 by adding 10% nonrnrespondent. Level of knowledge was grouped by Bloom‘s original cutoffrnpointsrnintorngood (80-100%),rnmoderatern(60-79%)rnandrnpoorrn(

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Assessment Of Pediatric Residents Knowledge Attitude And Practice Regarding Oxygen Therapy And Its Complications At Tash And Spmmc Addis Ababa