Barriers And Self-reported Practices Towards The Use Of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (cpap) Machine In Newborns Among Pediatrics Residents In Tertiary Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Cross Sectional Study

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Introduction: - Child survival should remain at the heart of global health and rndevelopment goals. The leading causes for neonatal death in Ethiopia arernprematurity, asphyxia, and neonatal sepsis. Premature newborns with RDS can bernmanaged effectively with breathing support, such as mechanical ventilation orrncontinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), as well as surfactant replacementrntherapy. CPAP is strongly recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)rnfor the treatment of preterm newborns with RDS. rnObjective: The objective of this study is to assess barriers and self-reportedrnpractices towards the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machinernin newborns among Pediatrics Resident’s at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital rnMethods: Cross sectional study was conducted from July 1 – September 30, 2021rnG.C to assess barrier’s and self-reported practices towards the use of ContinuousrnPositive Airway Pressure (CPAP) in newborns among Pediatrics Resident’s at TikurrnAnbessa Specialized Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Self-administeredrnquestionnaire used to collect data among Pediatrics residents of TASH. Data wasrnanalyzed using descriptive statistics by SPSS version 25. rnResult: Of the total 112 participants 57.1% (64/112) have any form of formalrnteaching, learning or training session on CPAP in their Newborn care practice.rn80.4 % of Participants used improvised water bottle system. The mostrncommon reported barriers to the usage of CPAP at NICU are availability ofrnCPAP machine, availability of oxygen, availability of nasal prong and shortagernof staff. There was significant difference in the practice of CPAP safety check listsrnbetween residents with different year of residency.rnrnRecommendation: - The current findings suggest that there is significant room forrnimproving CPAP usage in NICU by optimizing teaching and training session onrnCPAP, by enhancing and increasing the knowledge and practice of health carernworkers, tackling perceived barrier’s that hamper the practice of using CPAP,rnpreparing manuals that can be a guide for fostering CPAP usage and creating arnsmooth working environment for experience sharing among health workersrnpracticing in NICU.

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Barriers And Self-reported Practices Towards The Use Of Continuous  Positive Airway Pressure (cpap) Machine In Newborns Among Pediatrics Residents In Tertiary Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Cross Sectional Study