Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Caregivers Of Children With Cerebral Palsy Attending Follow Up At Neurology Clinic In Tash Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: rnCerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most severe disabilities in childhood and makes heavy rndemands on health, educational, and social services as well as on families and childrenrnthemselves. The complex and chronic nature of the multiple impairments that contribute to therndiagnosis of CP has a substantial impact on the functional level and quality of life of the child,rnwhich, in turn, can result in a significant physical, financial, and psychological health burden onrnthe family. Most parents of children with CP lack basic knowledge of the disease, its cause,rnprognosis, treatment modality, and outcome. There are also a limited number of studies rnCarrying out any intervention and evaluating the response of that intervention to parentalrnknowledge of CP. The overall point of this study is to depict and analyze the knowledge,rnattitude, and practice of parents and guardians with CP in, Ethiopia where children who requirernneurologist assessment get referred to from all over the nation rnMethods:rnA hospital based descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on 144 Primary care givers rnof children with CP who are attending on follow-up at pediatrics neurology clinic. Every patientrncoming for follow up during the study period fulfilling the inclusion criteria were asked to bernincluded in the study. The diagnosis of CP confirmed using the SCPE decision tree beforerninclusion to the study. The data obtained from the questionnaire was entered into the computerrnand analyzed using statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) 25. Binary logistic regressionrnwas used in assessing the effect of general characteristics on attaining the required knowledge,rnattitude and practice of care givers.rn Result rnIn this study among 144 participant,137 were willing, making a response rate of 95.1% andrn56.2% of the primary caregiver were mother and half of the participants were in the age grouprnof 30-40 years and more than three-fourth of the participants were married and 28.6% ofrncaregiver learned up to collage level and 51.1% caregiver had inadequate income and thernoverall Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Caregivers of Children with Cerebral Palsyrnattending Follow up at Neurology Clinic in TASH is (66%,64% and 34%) respectively. rn Conclusion rnCaring for a child with cerebral palsy is a big task requiring mental fortitude and physicalrnvitality as well as community involvement. In order to improve outcomes for children with CPrnand to maintain the health of caregivers, necessary support systems must be in place. Socialrnwelfare and other organizations should support mothers with cerebral palsy children to help liftrnthe huge financial burden required for care of their children. Governments should also create anrnenabling and supportive environment through the establishment of rehabilitation centers andrnsocial protection policies for cerebral palsy children. A multi approach is needed to assistrncaregivers on all fronts to deal with day-to-day challenges.

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Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Caregivers Of Children With Cerebral Palsy Attending Follow Up At Neurology Clinic In Tash Addis Ababa Ethiopia