Iodine Status Household Salt Iodine Content And Knowledge Attitude Practice About Iodized Salt Among Pregnant Women Enrolled In Bunmap Cohort Butajira South Central Ethiopia

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Introduction: Iodine is one of the crucial micronutrients needed by the human body, specificallyrnduring pregnancy. Deficiency of iodine during pregnancy could cause stillbirth, congenitalrnanomalies, irreversible fetal brain damage, and may increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.rnAlthough the iodine deficiency during pregnancy has a detrimental effect on the fetus, there is nornnational-level representative data for the iodine status of pregnant women in Ethiopia.rnObjective: This study aimed to determine iodine status of pregnant mothers and their knowledge,rnattitude & practice regarding iodized salt, who are enrolled in the Butajira nutrition mental healthrnand pregnancy (BUNMAP) cohort, Butajira, Ethiopia.rnMethods: In this cross-sectional study, 152 pregnant women without hypertensive, or knownrnthyroid disease before or during pregnancy were randomly selected from the BUNMAP mother tornchild cohort (n = 832). Spot urine samples were collected to estimate the level of urinary iodinernconcentration (UIC). We also collected salt samples from their respective homes. Iodometricrntitration and Sandall Kolthoff (S – K) colorimetric spectrophotometric method were used for thernanalysis of salt & urine samples respectively. Data were entered and cleaned using Epi-info versionrn3.5.3 and then exported to SPSS version 20 for further analysis. Multivariate logistic regressionrnwas fitted and the cut off value set was P < 0.05 to considered it statistically significant.rnResults: The median UIC among pregnant women was 151.2 µg/L [interquartile range (IQR) =rn85.5 - 236.2 𝜇g/L] (recommended level is 150 – 249 𝜇g/L). About half of (49.65%) of participantsrnwere iodine deficient. In terms of deficiency, 39.1%, 9.65% & 0.69 % of women were having mild,rnmoderate & severe iodine deficiency respectively. The median iodine level of the collected saltrnsample was 34.9 mg/kg (IQR = 24.2-44.6 mg/kg). Based on a cut of >15 ppm, 91.7% (95% CI:rn87.2 - 96.2) of the salts collected from the household had adequate iodine content. There was arnsignificant association between having a formal job (AOR = 2.56; CI = 1.11 – 5.96) and the iodinernsufficiency. rnConclusions: The availability of adequately iodized salt in households is more than 90%, as recommendedrnby WHO. About half of the women in this study have adequate iodine status. Inclusion of iodinerichrnrnfood in the diet will be important to assure sustainable optimum iodine nutrition in thisrnpopulation.

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Iodine Status Household Salt Iodine Content And Knowledge Attitude  Practice About Iodized Salt Among Pregnant Women Enrolled In Bunmap Cohort Butajira South  Central Ethiopia