Assessment Of Drug Therapy Problems And Contributing Factors Among Ambulatory Patient With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Dagmawi Menelik Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Patients with diabetes are at high risk of drug therapy-associated problems (DTPs), as they arernexposed to multiple medications. Studies conducted on DTPs in diabetic patients in Ethiopia are,rnhowever, limited. This study was, therefore, aimed to assess the magnitude, pattern, and factorsrnassociated with DTPs among patients with type 2 diabetes at Dagimawi Menelik Hospitalrn(DMH). A cross-sectional study was conducted among 294 patients who fulfilled the inclusionrncriteria. Patients were interviewed using a structured data collection format, involvingrnretrospective medical chart review. DTPs were assessed using Cipolle‘s classification system.rnDescriptive data were reported using tables and figures. A multivariate logistic regressionrnanalysis was performed to identify factors associated with DTPs. A total of 448 DTPs in 193rn(65.6%) patients were identified. Most commonly identified DTPs were non-compliance,rn118(26.3%), need additional drug, 110(24.6%), and dosage too low 89 (19.9%). On multivariaternanalysis, history of hospitalization (AOR= 4.34, 95% CI: 1.21, 15.54), poor glycaemic controlrn(AOR= 59.5 95% CI: 18.9, 188.0), presence of co-morbidity (AOR= 6.7, 95% CI: 2.4, 19.0) andrndiabetes complication (AOR= 4.1, 95% CI: 1.1, 15.2) were positively associated with occurrencernof DTP On the other hand, physical activity (AOR= 0.2, 95% CI: 0.0, 0.7), absence of polypharmacyrn(≤3rndrugs)rn(AOR=rn0.1,rn95%rnCI:rn0.0,rn0.6)rnwerernprotectivernforrntherndevelopmentrnofrnDTP.rnrnInrnconclusion,rntherernwasrnhighrnprevalencernofrnDTPrnparticularlyrnamongrnpatientsrnwithrnpoorrnglycemicrnrncontrol,rnrnhistory of hospitalization, comorbidities, complications, inactivity and polypharmacy..rnFurther studies on the prevention and management of DTPs, therefore, need to be conducted.

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Assessment Of Drug Therapy Problems And Contributing Factors Among Ambulatory Patient With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Dagmawi Menelik Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia