Analysis Of Tec Variation During June 21 2020 Annular Solar Eclipse Over Addis Ababa And Djibouti

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On June 21, 2020, an annular solar eclipse happened. The annular eclipse's centralrnpath passed through parts of Central and Eastern Africa. A partial solar eclipse wasrnvisible across much of Africa and it traverses Ethiopia and Djibouti. During a solarrneclipse the Moon blocks a portion of the solar radiation from reaching the Earth.rnFollowing the eclipse a decrease in the ionization is expected due to the obscurationrnof solar radiation, and thus a decrease in the amount of ionospheric total electronrncontent (TEC). The e_ect of this partial solar eclipse on the ionospheric TEC wasrnstudied using two Global Positioning System (GPS) stations found in Addis Ababarnand Djibouti. The objective of this thesis is to study the e_ect of the June 21, 2020rnannular eclipse on the ionospheric TEC. Because eclipse geometry varies from eclipsernto eclipse, it's not always clear whether a di_erence in ionospheric reaction is due torna change in eclipse time of occurrence, obscuration level, geometry, or backgroundrnconditions such as: di_erent solar and geomagnetic activities, seasons, latitudes andrnlongitudes. Therefore, individual eclipse studies are signi_cant. TEC data taken fromrnthe two GPS stations were used to examine the ionospheric behavior during the eclipse.rnThe partial solar eclipse was observed to cause a signi_cant TEC depletion duringrnthe eclipse period at both stations. Which indicates that the amount of TEC in thernionosphere was a_ected by the decrease in solar radiation during the eclipse. The TECrnmeasurements during the eclipse period were compared to two days before, two daysrnafter the eclipse period and three years of June 21 to make sure that the cause of thernTEC depletion was not due to a daily variation in the ionosphere. A maximum TECrnreduction of up to 35% were observed compared to the days after and before the eclipse.rnA time lag of 45 and 15 minutes were found between the maximum obscuration and arnmaximum TEC depletion over ADIS and DJIG, respectively. After the eclipse ended,rnthe TEC began to return to normal levels and recovered fully after 1 hr over DJIG andrn1 hr and 18 minutes over ADIS stations. The TEC reduction shows the partial solarrneclipse a_ects the ionospheric TEC and since the ionosphere is mostly governed by thernphotoionization, the decrease in solar radiation causes the density of the ionosphere torndecrease. The eclipse occurred during a period of low solar and magnetic activity. Thernreference days TEC data and the magnetic activity indicated the eclipse was the causernof the TEC depletion. Further research is needed to study the e_ect of the eclipse inrnthe low latitude region as it can be a_ected by the equatorial ionization anomaly.

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Analysis Of Tec Variation During June 21 2020 Annular Solar Eclipse Over Addis Ababa And Djibouti