Prevalence And Predictors Of Drug Related Hospitalizations In Multicenter Study Settings Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Prospective Observational Study

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Abstract rnBackground: Drug related hospitalizations (DRHs) represent a substantial burden on healthrncare resources worldwide and are considered as one of the leading causes of morbidity. Studiesrncarried out in various countries, the extent of DRHs has been estimated to be between 16% torn41.3%.Of those, more than half of the cases were preventable. Whereas in Ethiopia thernprevalence and factors independently associated with DRHs are not known. Therefore, the aimrnof this study was to determine the prevalence and predictors of DRHs in emergency ward ofrnTikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Zewditu Memorial Hospital and Yekatit 12 HospitalrnMedical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethods: A prospective observational study was conducted from August to September, 2020 inrnthe three selected hospitals. Participants were interviewed and their medical charts werernreviewed through a structured data collection format. DRHs were assessed using Helper’s andrnstrand’s drug therapy problems classification system. The data were entered and analyzed usingrnStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 26.Descriptive statistics and binaryrnlogistic regressions were performed. P-value 64 years (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR] = 7.451, 95%CI: 1.889-29.397), tertiaryrneducational level (AOR=0.360, 95%CI: 0.141-0.923), participants who did not have anyrnoccupation (AOR=3.409, 95%CI: 1.120-10.374),students (AOR=6.331,95%CI:1.375-29.153)rnpresence of co-morbid diseases (AOR=2.004,95%CI: 1.095-3.668), and hospital stay > sevenrndays (AOR=2.186, 95%CI: 1.412-3.382).rnConclusion: DRHs were common among emergency ward patients in the study settings. Morernthan four fifth of DRHs were deemed to be preventable.

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Prevalence And Predictors Of Drug Related Hospitalizations In Multicenter Study Settings Addis Ababa Ethiopia  A Prospective Observational Study