Assessment Of Applying Quality Management System On The Supply Chain Performance A Comparative Study On Iso 9001 Certified And Non-certified Ethiopian Health Commodities Suppliers

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The Quality management system provides a successful strategy by better controllingrnprocess quality. The goal of this study is to assess, in a comparative framework, thernsupply chain performance of ISO 9001 certified and non-certified health commoditiesrnsuppliers in Ethiopia with respect to the application of quality management system. Tornaddress the research objectives a cross sectional research design was used. The studyrnalso used quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Stratified and simple randomrnsampling techniques were applied to select the required sample size from the employeesrnof the case organizations. Primary data from 165 sample population was collected byrnmeans of questionnaire with response rate of 80.6% and structured interview has beenrnconducted with purposively selected 16 managers and heads of departments of thernorganizations under study. Quantitative data obtained from the primary source werernanalyzed using SPSS version 22 software. Both descriptive and inferential statistics werernapplied to analyze the data. The result showed that there is an association betweenrnquality management system and supply chain performance, and differences have beenrnobserved between the ISO 9001 certified and non- certified companies with regard to thernapplication quality management system on the supply chain performance with the meanrnscore values of 4.00 for ISO 9001 certified organizations and 2.70 for non- certifiedrnorganizations. ISO 9001certified companies scored the highest mean score in all aspectsrnof the variables. Based on the findings of the study ISO 9001 certification is associatedrnwith supply chain performance, therefore it is recommendable that the management ofrnnon-ISO 9001 certified companies should be cognizant of the importance and benefits ofrnapplying quality management system to enhance organizational supply chainrnperformance. The study also provides information why companies are not interested tornapply quality management system.

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Assessment Of Applying Quality Management System On The Supply Chain Performance A Comparative Study On Iso  9001 Certified And Non-certified Ethiopian Health Commodities Suppliers