Theoretical And Experimental Study Of The Photovoltaic Effect In Thin Films

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In the pres ent 8tud~ tho th eory o f ph ot ovo ltaic , n, rgyrnconv ersi on is pres ented. 8 ~ 8ic f actors affecting oonversionrncapability of phot ovolt ai c devic es aro di8CU 8 8 ~d . Goner lrnf ormula of the minority carri er distribution and currentrndensity across p-n junctions are r e vis ed and fu rther deu,lopedrnt o arrive ~t the over all c ollection effi ienoy expre ssion whichrnis valid f or any thin f ilm phot ovo ltaic c e lls. POCU8S is put onrnthe main s o lar cell p ~ r a m 6 t e r 8 like conversion e fficienc y andrnspectral response .rnTo thB end some exper imental works on a sing!,rnorystal solar cell (FD-K) a r ~ made. EMphasis is put onrnestablishing circuits capable of measuring various Bolar cellrnparameters r anging f r om Si - eingLe ~YDt a L c~LL o f tow efficiGncy.rnThe resuLts of tho measur ement ar e prasanted in tho fo rm ofrntabL es and graphs . Conclusions ara also ~a d e on thG resultsrnobtained.

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Theoretical And Experimental Study Of The Photovoltaic Effect In Thin Films