Surface -charge Density On The Semiconductor-insulator Interface

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The MOS and MNOS di odes, of which an oxidized silicon surface is anrn; n tegra 1 pa rt. ; 5 i ntraduced. and a theory for its opera t i on in thernabsence of surface states is presented. Rea l time computer prog rammes fo rrnmeasurements and numerical ana lysis were constructed. Measurements of thernMOS and MNOS st ructures were done fo r different n-type samples. of dryrnox ide and pyrogenic oxide with different thickness of ox ide and nitride .rnIn addit i on to t hi s irradiated samples by l -rays with energy 1- MeV we rernmeasured.rnOiffere nt methods of measurements of determining the density andrnenergy di stribution of i nterface states at si li con- silicon dioxide in terfacesrnare described. By using the set of very se ns i tive electrical measure mentsrnthe density of interfa ce states were obtained. A comparison of thernt heoret i cal capac i ta nce ve rsus voltage curves with meas ured experimenta lrncu rves are shown. Computer simu lated resu lts of ca l cu l ati ons using integ ra tionrnand spline interpolati on are given. Obtained exper imen ta l res ul ts ofrnene rgy distribution of t he interfa ce state density of the order less thanrn10 10 states per eV cml are presented and discussed.

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Surface -charge Density On The Semiconductor-insulator Interface