Analysis Of The Factors Affecting Ionospheric Total Electron Content In East Africa And Middle East

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The low latitude and equatorial ionospheric total electron content (TEC) variationsrnare investigated using dual frequency GPS TEC data taken from 7 GPS stations inrnwhich 6 are found in East Africa and one is found in Saudi Arabia in the year ofrn2015. This GPS TEC data was used to study the diurnal, seasonal, geomagnetic andrnlatitudinal variations of ionospheric TEC at these GPS stations as insu_cient researchrnresults of ionospheric variations are available for these areas. The results of the analysisrnshowed that the ionospheric TEC undergoes diurnal, seasonal, geomagnetic (quiet andrndisturbed day) and latitudinal variations. With regard to the diurnal variation, thernTEC value shows minimum at predawn and gradual increase with time of the dayrnattaining a maximum in the afternoon and a gradual decrease after sunset. Thisrnis the result of photo ionization of the atmosphere due to the increased intensity ofrnsolar radiation during day. On the other hand during night electron loss processesrn(ion-electron recombination and electron attachment) dominate and the TEC value isrndecreased. The TEC value in March shows a very rapid decrease after sunset due to thernhigh recombination rate that is proportional to the square of the high electron densityrnin March. Moreover, the night time TEC value shows a secondary minima maximarnnear dawn which may be due to the Counter Electrojet (CEJ). The TEC value in thernsolstice months of June and December don't show plateau and secondary maxima. Itrnsimply increase till noon and then decreases slowly during afternoon and during night.rnThe seasonal variation is caused by the relative position of the Earth with thernsun which changes the solar zenith angle. The greatest TEC value occurred in thernequinoctial month of March and the least occurred during the winter solstice monthrnof December and intermediate TEC value is recorded in summer solstice month ofrnJune. The e_ects of geomagnetic storms on TEC values have been also consideredrnin this study. The result reveals that the storm day TEC value is greater than thernquiet day TEC value. This is due to the fact that high amount of solar particles reachrnthe earth and there is more ionization during the storm period. The TEC value alsornvary with latitude. The highest TEC value is obtained for stations that are closer tornthe geomagnetic equator (MOIU in Kenya) in the southern hemisphere. This may bernthe result of the occurrence of highly radiation of the sun and the DEBK station inrnEthiopia located around EIA crest region is due to the fountain e_ect. The least valuernof TEC is observed for stations far from the geomagnetic equator (SOLA in SaudirnArabia) which is located beyond the EIA region. Moreover, TEC value of January 3,rn2015 (at perihelion) is greater than that of the July 3, 2015 (aphelion), 2015. For thernfuture more research need on the perihelion and aphelion cases of ionospheric TEC.

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Analysis Of The Factors Affecting Ionospheric Total Electron Content In East Africa And Middle East