Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practices On Regulatory Food Hygiene And Safety Requirements Among Cake And Ice-cream Manufacturers And Workers And Trends Of Regulatory Measures In Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Poor knowledge, attitude and practices of hygiene can contribute to the outbreaks of rnfood borne illness. Most foods, including cake and ice cream products, could be affected by foodrnborne pathogens, mainly due to poor hygienic conditions and inappropriate food handling practices.rnInadequate knowledge, negative attitude and poor practices on food hygiene and weak regulationrnpractices are among the factors responsible for the occurrence of poor hygienic conditions andrninappropriate food handling practices.rnObjective: To assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice on regulatory food hygiene andrnsafety requirements among cake and ice-cream workers and trend of regulatory measures in AddisrnAbaba, Ethiopia.rnMethods: For knowledge, attitude and practices of workers assessment, a cross-sectional surveyrnwas conducted in purposely selected 5 sub cities and 108 manufacturers. 236 workers were selectedrnby simple random sampling technique and interviewed using structured questionnaire. For thernassessment of trends of regulatory measures, data were collected from 10 inspection team leaders (9rnsub cities' food medicine and health care administration office and one Addis Ababa food medicinernand health care administration authority) using a structured questionnaire. Data was entered usingrnEPI info version 7.2 and cleaning and analysis was performed by using SPSS version 25. rnResult: The mean age and work experience of workers in the cake and ice-cream manufacturingrncompanies were 30.03 and 5.72, respectively. About 46.6 % (110) of participants had no formalrneducation. Only 2.5% of participant's field of study was related to their job.72.9 %, 37.3% andrn59.3% of participants had poor knowledge, attitude and practice level about food hygiene andrnsafety regulatory requirements, respectively. The total measure taken by the regulatory bodies onrnnon complaints of requirements was 129 and 99 by 1rnstrn and 2rnndrn half year of 2019, respectively. Itrnwas also 115 and 128 by the 1rnstrnand 2rnndrnhalf years of 2020, respectively. Warning, lockdown andrnwithdrawal from work were the major regulatory measures taken by the regulatory bodies.rnConclusion/recommendation: Most workers do have poor knowledge and practice towards foodrnhygiene and safety regulatory parameters. Though most of the workers knew the importance ofrnhand washing practices, practically they were not complying. In contrast to the knowledge level,rnoverall, more than half of the participants had good level of attitude towards food hygiene andrnsafety regulatory requirements. The overall level of food hygiene and safety regulatory practicesrnwas poor. Though the sum total practice level was poor, the majority of them were also good at rnsome specific requirements. The present study also pointed out that most of the regulatory measures rntaken by the regulation bodies on non-fulfillment were simple type of measures like warning.

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Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practices On Regulatory Food Hygiene And Safety Requirements Among Cake And Ice-cream Manufacturers And Workers And Trends Of Regulatory Measures In Addis Ababa Ethiopia