Rumex abyssinicus Jacq (Polygonaceae) is a widely spread medicinal plant usedrntraditionally for treatment of several ailments, including hypertension, inflammatoryrnand painful conditions. The present study aimed to examine the diuretic and analgesicrnactivities of aqueous and 80% methanol extracts of the rhizomes of the plant atrndifferent doses in mice.rnTo this effect, negative controls were orally treated with distilled water (DW) orrnTween 80(4%) (TW80), solvents used for reconstitution of the extracts. Positiverncontrols were treated with furosemide (10 mglkg) (FrIO) for diuretic test or aspirinrn(100 mg/kg) (ASA100) and morphine (10 mg/kg) (MIO) for acetic acid-inducedrnwrithing and hot-plate analgesic studies, respectively. For the diuretic study, treatmentrngroups received an oral dose of SOO mgikg (RASOO), 7S0 mglkg (RA7S0) or 1000rnmg/kg (RA1000) of the aqueous extract or 2S0 mglkg (RM2S0), SOO mg/kg (RMSOO)rnor 7S0 mglkg (RM7S0) of 80% methanolic extract. Urine volume was then measuredrnat different time (1,2, 3, 4, and S h) and the urinary Na+, K+ and cr also measured at Srnh. For both analgesic tests, 2S0 mglkg (RM2S0), SOO mg/kg (RMSOO) or 1000 mglkgrn(RM1000) of 80% methanolic extract doses were used. Whereas the number ofrnwrithes was counted for 20 min just S min after intraperitonial injection of 0.6% aceticrnacid (O.lS mLilOg) for the writhing test, the reaction time of each mouse wasrnevaluated at 30, 4S, 60, and 90 min after treatment for the hot-plate test. For the acuterntoxicity study, SOOO mglkg of aqueous or 80% methanolic extract was administeredrnorally and observed for the following IS days.rnBoth extracts displayed a clear dose-dependent diuretic and analgesic effect asrncompared to controls. RA1000 and RM7S0 were able to increase diuresis significantlyrn(P