Determination Of Antibiotic Residues (tetracycline Oxytetracycline And Penicillin G) In Beef For Public Consumption At Dukem And Bishoftu Towns Central Ethiopia

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Penicillins and tetracyclines class antibiotics are among the most commonly used inrnlivestock farm. Indiscriminate use of these substances in Cattle may leave unsafe level ofrnresidues in edible tissues that could cause various deleterious health effects. To addressrnthis, a cross-sectional study was under taken to detect and estimate the level ofrntetracycline, oxytetracycline and penicillin G residues in beef samples intended for publicrnconsumption at Dukem and Bishoftu towns, central Ethiopia. Muscle samples werernrandomly collected from retail shops and analyzed using liquid chromatography coupledrnwith triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC-ESI-QqQ/MS). The result of the studyrnshowed that out of the total 100 beef samples that were analysed, 10 % of samplesrncontained detectable level of residues of Oxytetracycline. The proportion of samples withrndetectable level of Oxytetracycline residues by sample location were 12 % (6/50) atrnDukem and 8% (4/50) at Bishoftu towns. Only one sample, from Dukem, was detectedrnwith tetracycline residue at 9.35µg/kg simultaneously with oxytetracycline, whereasrnpenicillin G was not detected in any of the samples tested. The levels of oxytetracyclinernresidues (in µg/kg) range from 18.9 to 26.1 at Dukem and from 7.63 to 19.73 at Bishoftu.rnThe mean determined residue levels of oxytetracycline were 22.32±2.38 µg/kg andrn15.99±13.2 µg/kg at the two towns respectively. The residue levels found were muchrnlower than the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) established for TCs by either EU (100rnμg/kg) or Codex (200 μg/kg) guidelines. Moreover, potential health risk from exposure tornOTC residues in the beef samples was assessed as a fraction of the standard ADI,rnconsidering average per capita meat consumption of 8kg. Thus the correspondingrnestimated daily intake (EDI) of OTC for an average adult weight of 60 kg was found tornbe 0.0003 (0r 0.03% ADI), which is negligibly small. Therefore, the determined residuernlevel did not appear to pose significant health risk and the beef in the study area werernacceptable for public consumption. Though the results have indicated lower residuernlevels, regular monitoring should be put in place to ensure continual safety and judicialrnuse of antibiotics in livestock production.

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Determination Of Antibiotic Residues (tetracycline Oxytetracycline And Penicillin G) In Beef For Public Consumption At Dukem And Bishoftu  Towns Central Ethiopia