Gravitational wave science is one of direct observation of the waves predictedrnby Einstein’s general theory of relativity and opening the exciting new field ofrngravitational wave astronomy. In this thesis work we study gravitational wavesrnand we also present some of the general relativity test of gravitational wave suchrnas linear approximation of Einstein field equation which is Einstein equation for arnweak gravitational field simply _h__ = 0, thus, the metric perturbations satisfyrnthe flat space wave equation and the solutions can therefore be interpreted asrngravitational waves polarization(plus and cross polarization). In this thesisWe alsornfound that gravitational wave emites when BBHs are spiraling with each other. Wernsuggested that high amplitude of gravitational waves are formed around merger ofrnBBHs, the amplitude of GWs large for high masses and also the amplitude failsrnwhen the waves moves away from the source like standard siren’s of h / 1rnr . Wernalso checked that SEOBNR and IMRPhenom models are matched with pridictionrnof GR simulated by NR and the waveform observed from LIGO. These waveformrncomparison tells us Einstein general theory of relativity passes the test of GW.