Investigating Iron And Zinc Status In Leaf Of Potato Grown With Different Applied Fertilizer At Holeta Ethiopia

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TIl' knOll/I - I a lIIi ronlllri nls on ' nlralion in rap is on a parli ular inl · I"".'1 du 10rnIfpir n ·galive and posiliv' ·jJe 'IS on r ps on t on hUIIIII7, fran inrn,lob t! problelll, Iud in T iron mel zin ' on ' ' nlr Ilion in pOlalornI' Vn wilh diffi I""nl ,fel'fil iz'rs i ' S ' If' ' in 1i1 ' I'Ofllr ' , P fol is I ' aelinrnrr wn 01" I ' fo, fran olld zill in pOllIO vorieli ',), a 8 ,11 ' md Jol m' HI ' r ' d ' l rllli/pd brngrowillg lip /II in 'olllbinofion Ivifh III trlu/" ond inor oni ' r liliz' r, 'OIllP st and inor 'oni 'rn' r filiz'r, tnt inor Toni · rfiliz·r 0101'1', Re " nfl IllOlur d I ·ov·' w r ' 'ol7lpl ·d andrn• 'lro 'I ·d wilh TPA to d ' fermin ' iron and zin , In bOlh lIor ie l i ' ,' rO1ln wifh diJj ·r nfrn'rfilizer ' lh r ' w' r ' nol 'i mi i onfl dijJer ·nl 'on en/ralions a ir nand zin ob " r ved atrn(P ~ 0, 0 ), In both vori ' li ·s on ' nfrOlion 0/ iron 'eea·d that if zin , The 'oil underrn'Iud ar' a is a idi wilh ujjl 'i ' nt 'oncenlraLion a iron, zin and nitrogen. To havernoplimum ran e a iron and zin in vori lie ' Belte and Jolone groVn on Humi ili 'olsrninorgoni form a/iron and zin ferlilizers are needed.

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Investigating Iron And Zinc Status In Leaf Of Potato Grown With Different Applied Fertilizer At Holeta Ethiopia