The diver,sifY (llId ecological allaly:,'i:,' of 1'(M'Clilar epiphyte:,' was s flldied ill Cera Foresl in southwesfemrnErhiopia af a/fillides befweell 1600 alld 2400 III a .. d . A loral area of 4.5 ha was surveyed ill coffee alldrn1101I-coffee forest vegetafion. Fifty salllplillg plofs, each 30 III X 30 III (900 11/ 1), were used for the purposernof daw col/eeliOIl. A lotal of 59 species of vascular epiphyte:,' were recorded alld of which 34(59%) werernholo ep'j)hyte:", 111'0 (4%) were hemi epiphyles alld 22 (37%) :,pecies were accidenwl vascular epiphytes.rnTo :,·tudy Ille allitlldinal dislribulioll of vascular epiphYles. altitudes were classified into higher >2000,rn//Iiddle 1800- 2000 and Jower 1600- 1800//1 a.s.1. accordillg to Shanl/otl- Wiener Index (HI = 3.411) ofrntJ.rnalpha dil'ersily file epiphyte COllll111111ily ill the sllldy area is medium. There was a stjlistically sigmjicalllrndljerence belween host bark Iype and epiphyte richlless as determined by Olle~way ANOVA (F(3, 91) "'"rn21 .833, p = 0.001). The p(w- hoc fesl shows Ihal there is sigllificallf difference of vascular epiphylesrnriclme.'S be/lt"eell Slllooll1 bark willi rough jlack and corky bark (P =0,00 I < 0.05), as we/J as rough alldrncork bark (p =0.43 0.05) 110 SigllijiC(lIIt differellce of epipllyte abwu/allce was observed. ROllghrnbark had 38%, corky, 26%. jlack, 25%, alld ollly 11% ~'ascular epiphyles abundance occurred oll :"l1/oothrnbark. 71te regressioll correlation test, (lr :: 0,773. p "" 0.0001 < 0.05), showed Ihal the /llIll/ ber of speciesrnof vascular epiphytes and hosl DBH size are positively correlaled. The regression correlalioll tel'l (If =rn0.28, p == 0.0001 < 0.05), showed Illat tlte /lllIlIber of specie:,' ami hosllree height positively correlated.rnThe host Iree preference of vascular epiphyles was recorded for ollly Villaria volkensii species hosted 0 11rnSy=ygiulII guilleellse Irees. The result of similarily mwlysis indicated Ihal Cera Forest showed Ihe higlleslrnI'ascular epiphytic simi/aril)' (0.35) lI'illl Yayu Fore:,'t alld shared Ihe least l-'CIscular epiphYlic similarityrn(0.295) lI'ith Haremw Foresl. It was concluded thai horizOlltal siems and branches, large and rough.rnjlack alld corky bark type Irees are more s uitable for vaSCII/ar epiphytes seedling allachmelllS alldrngrowth. COllsen'atiol1 and prolectioll of Ihese phorophytes are importalll for the surivivlli of vascularrnepiphytes ami increase Ilteir ecological importtlllce.