The Socio-economic Implications Of The Boko Haram Insurgence In Nigeria: 2009-2013

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Book Haram figuratively implies that western for non-Islamic education is a sin, is a very controversial Nigeria militant group that seeks for the imposition of sharia law in the entire northern states of Nigeria. The hierarchical structure of the group is not presently well defined. The official name of the group id jamaiatu Ahlis sunna lidda ―awai waljihad, which in Arabic translate to ―people committed to the propagation of the prophet‘s teaching and jhad‖ literally therefore the group means ―Association of sunn‘s for the propagation of Islamic and for Holy war (jihad) and Islamized northern stats of Nigeria and probably conquer the entire country through jihad. So far, the group has been waging the war successfully in it area of stronghold. Book Haram made its presence known in 2004, in Yobe states, and by 2011, it made its presence known to the global community by bombing the United Nations Headquarters in Abuja, especially in the last two years, it has willfully attacked hundreds of buildings and killing many innocent Nigerians. In spite of the calamity the group has caused the government seems not to know how to clip the group‘s wings. In this research work, therefore, effort will be made to philosophically and legally appraise the group activities and its implications on Nigerian National integration. We will look at the socio-economic implication of the group in Nigeria economic development also the drive of the Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria and possible suggest solutions that will assist in curtailing their activities in Nigeria
Table of Contents
Title Page----------------------------------------------------i
Approval Page-----------------------------------------------ii
Table of Contents---------------------------------------xi-xii
Chapter One: General Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study---------------------------
1.2 Statement of the Problem-------------------------
1.3 Objective of the Study-------------------------------
1.4 Literature Review ---------------------------------
1.5 Significance of the Study-------------------------
1.6 Theoretical Framework-----------------------------
1.7 Hypotheses------------------------------------------
1.8 Methods of Data collection and Analysis------------1.9
1.9 Scope and Limitations of the Study-------------------
1.10 Operationalization of Concepts------------------
Chapter Two: the Driving Force of the Boko Haram Insurgence
2.1 Historical Analysis of the Boko Haram Insurgence.
2.2 The Drive of Poverty.
2.3 The Drive of Unemployment
Chapter Three: Implication of the Boko Haram Insurgence
3.1 Implication on Economic Development
3.2 Implication on National Integration
3.3 Implication on Nigeria‘s Foreign Relations
Chapter Four: Strategies for Addressing the Menace of the Boko Haram Insurgence
4.1 The Strategy of Coercion
4.2 The Strategy of Legal Response
4.3. The Strategy of Dialogue and Negotiation
Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary----------------------------------
5.2 Conclusion--------------------------------
5.3. Recommendations-----------------------
Chapter One: General Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Nigeria as a nation-state is under a sever internal socio-economic and security threat. As a more general level, the threat has social, economic, political and environmental dimensions. Each of these dimensions has greatly affected the nation‘s stability, and can be traced to the ethnic militia armies, ethnic and religious conflicts, poverty, terrorism, armed robbery, corruption, economic sabotage, and environmental degradation (Ilufoye, 2009).
Boko Haram insurgence becomes the major problem facing Nigerians in the recent time. These groups have perpetrated several bombing that have killed millions of
innocent citizens of this country Nigeria and also caused the destruction of both private and public properties worth of billion of naira. This derives from their bid to make people in the north east geo-political zone of Nigeria to embrace their view on Islamic Nigeria code and western education.
The predominant threat and security challenges in the area are emendating from un-abating attacks on Nigerian citizens, individuals, public and governmental installations, kidnapping and destruction of properties. All these effect of Boko Haram activities are serious crime against the Nigeria state, which has threatened its national security and socio-economic activities. This has posed a great challenges to the ground strategy for national security of which the primary aim is ―to strengthen the federal republic of Nigeria to advance her interest and objectives, to contain instability, control
crime, quality of life of every citizens, improve the well fare and the eliminate corruption‖ (Damba-zau 2007:51)
Boko Haram activities, has destabilized socio-economic activities. Increased crime and destruction of both life and property of Nigerian citizens. This can be attested to by the mass movement of people living in northern part of the country most especially maiduguri, which is the capital of Borno State. This situation has made it impossible for the citizens in that part ―Northren‖ of Nigeria to carry on their legitimate businesses. It is also scaring foreign investors out of the country. Students have been forced to flee their schools. The gravity of the crisis has made some government to vow never to allow Nigerians students from their state to go to the Northern part of Nigeria for anything. Boko Haram activities also effected the posting of students of southern and eastern extradition on national youth service corps (NYSC) to the north, to the extent that parents are
strongly resisting the posting of their children as copper to the north.
Boko Haram itself, is a fatal blow to the noble objective of the scheme as a unifying strategy, the unity of Nigerian is seriously threatened by Boko Haram fundamentalist sect and therefore, considered to be a major potential terrorist threat affecting Nigerian mostly on the part of socio-economic activities of the country.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Boko Haram activities was described by us intelligence agents in November 2011 ―as a local salafist group attacking Christians and local police stations with matchet and poison tipped arrows in Nigeria‘s northeastern Borno state. According to him:
Boko Haram is a way of thinking, it is politically driven, they are loosely organized grassroots insurrection against not only the Abuja government but the traditional
Muslim establishment as well. (Campbell, 2011).
After nearly a decade of violence, Nigeria government still does not have an effective strategy for dismantling the group. The terrorist organization preys on the disillusioned Muslims of the north, who are fed up with corruption. And have few economic opportunities, Nigeria is a heterogeneous country divided by two religious beliefs aside traditional religion. The northern half of the country is almost completely Muslim (50 per cent of the total Nigerians population) and the southern half is mostly dominated by Christians (40 per cent of the total Nigerians population). Originating in the Muslim dominated northern region of the country, the movement other rejected everything deemed western. The activities of these groups ―Boko Haram‖ grew its ranks by taking advantages of the widespread anger in the north over the country‘s gap. In the north, 72 percent of the population
live below the poverty line, compared to only 22 percent in the southern part Christopher (Bartolta, 2011)
The political goal of Boko Haram sect is to create an Islamic nation in the twelve northern states of Nigerians, eventually, spreading to the rest of the country. From its inception Boko Haram viewed Nigeria as a state or a country running by non-believers and made the government its main target, ever when the country had a Muslim president.

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The Socio-economic Implications Of The Boko Haram Insurgence In Nigeria: 2009-2013