Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State

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This study sought to investigate the effect of indiscipline on academic performance of student so selected secondary schools in Irele local government area of Ondo state. Data were collected from 5 schools in the local government area with the use of close ended questionnaire and the application of descriptive research methodology. It was found that effects of indiscipline among secondary schools students in Irele local government area of Ondo State have led to some factors in the society. The effect has also been done by parents, teachers and the society and also the students themselves. The aforementioned effect of indiscipline on academic performance has gotten an adverse effect on the society. From the findings a number of recommendations Irere posited to ease the problems of this indiscipline on academic performance of students of selected schools in Irele Local Government area of Ondo state.



Title page                                                                                          i

Certification                                                                                       ii

Dedication                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgements                                                                           iv

Abstract                                                                                             v

Table of content                                                                                vi

  1. Background to the Study                                                        1
  2. Statement of the Problems                                                       3
  3. Purpose of the Study                                                               3
  4. Research Questions                                                                 4
  5. Significance of the Study                                                        4
  6. Scope of the Study                                                                  5
  7. Definition of Terms                                                                5


2.1      The Concept of Discipline and Indiscipline in Schools            6

2.2      Types of Indiscipline                                                               7

2.3      Causes of Indiscipline among Students                                    8

  1. Effects of Indiscipline on Academic Performance                    9
  2. Solutions to Problems of Indiscipline among Secondary

           School Students                                                                      10

2.6 Summary of Literature Review                                                     12

  1. Introduction                                                                                       14
  2. Research Design                                                                       14
  3. Population                                                                               14
  4. Sample and Sampling Procedures                                             14
  5. Research Instrument                                                                 15
  6. Administration of Instrument and Data Collection                    15
  7. Validity of the Instrument                                                         16
  8. Reliability of Instrument                                                           16
  9. Data Analysis                                                                           16


4.1     Introduction                                                                                       17

  1. Data Analysis                                                                           18
  2. Interpretation of Data                                                               19
  3. Discussion of Findings                                                             20


  1. Introduction                                                                                       22
  2. Summary of the Major Findings                                               22
  3. Conclusion                                                                               22
  4. Recommendations                                                                    23
  5. Suggestions for Further Research                                             24

REFERENCES                                                                                          25
APPENDIX                                                                                                26




1.1   Background of the Study

In the school system the case of indiscipline rings like a hell. Indiscipline among the youths in secondary schools all over the world has to do with home (raining and personal interest in life.

It seems in some parts of Africa for example in Ondo State what leads to indiscipline among people is lack of discipline from home. Some opportunities have made themselves "goods". Above others.

Mismanagement of government resources in both human and materials. The issue of indiscipline could be curbed but where a single soul, having about 40 cars to himself and his immediate family members while some people who put their best into their daily assignment cannot even boast of tyre, there not be over spread of armed robbers. When big men are in the habit of cheating the subordinates, indiscipline will spread it mats to stay with us. And the effect of indiscipline on the performance of students in secondary school need to hear of discipline particularly for their children to go and buy cigarette and light the cigarette for them. Inability to have firm control on children is also a root of indiscipline.

Many children dress out of their houses half naked, yet their parents do not seem to sec anything bad in such a manner of dressing. Discipline rewards good behaviour and also gives the school opportunity to shape and influence for the better performance of all students in secondary schools.

Today, the perennial problems or blames of the public attitude toward the public schools have centred on rock of discipline. Also, members of the society talk a lot about indiscipline in our schools. From lateness to school, absenteeism, drug abuse, alcoholism, cultism, to rape and so on.

The blame for all these vices is placed on teachers but the society has to acknowledge one thing that charity begins at home not in school.

Negative home background and negative socio-economic status of parents and so on influence a child toward discipline. After looking at the home intellectual ability which seems to reflect on individual behaviour at school. In order to curb some of these undesirable behaviours in student’s rules and regulations are made in the school in order to achieve discipline.

Peer group is another factor that causes indiscipline in schools. In the family or at schools the child is in a situation of subservience, where power can be exercised over him. In both situations the child is a heterogonous age group where some by virtue of a position based largely on their age, are more powerful than others however, a peer group provide children with experience in egalitarian relationship to possible in the family.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

All over the world, children are the future leaders.    In order to become Ticient and effective leaders the children have to be educated in the various institutions.

Thus, children educative should show or indicate efficiently and effectiveness. Rather unfortunately, indiscipline continues to have effect on children's education in terms of negative academic performance.

This seems to be the case in many parts f the world 'including Nigeria. Know research has been undertaken to indicate the effects of indiscipline on academic performance of students in Irele Local Government Area of Ondo State. It is therefore necessary to undertake such a project. Thus, the problem of the study.

1.3    Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study is to find out the effects of indiscipline on academic performance of students of selected secondary school in Irele Local Government Area of Ondo State. In that regard, the researcher seeks to find out.

(1)      The types of indiscipline among students in the selected secondary schools of Irele Local Government Area of Ondo State.

(2)     The cases of indiscipline among students of the secondary school.

(3)     The effect of indiscipline on the academic performance of the students.

(4)     The solutions to the problem of indiscipline among students of the secondary schools.

    1. Research Questions

For the achievement of the purpose of the study the following research questions were generated.

(1)     What are the types of indiscipline among students in the selected secondary schools in Irele Local Government Area of Ondo State?

(2)     What are the causes of indiscipline among students of the secondary schools?

(3)     What are the effects of indiscipline on the academic performance of the students?

(4)     What are the solutions to the problem of indiscipline among students of the secondary schools?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study will help stakeholders of secondary schools to know or be reminded about the effect of indiscipline on academic performance among students of the secondary schools and beyond and how to eradicate or ameliorate that problem.


It will also help the teachers sad the principals to keep the real discipline for their students particularly in the schools and also in the community. The results of the study will help improve the student academic performance and also make them useful to themselves and the society in general.

1.6  Scope of the Study

The study is restricted to five schools in Irele Local Government Area. They are:

  1. Anglican comprehensive High School Ode-Irele
  2. Comprehensive High School Omi
  3. Odua Comprehensive High School Ajagba Comprehensive High SchoolAkotogbo
  4. Comprehensive High school Iju-Osim.

1.7     Definition of Terms

All relevant terms used in this study are explained in chapter two.

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Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State