Assessment Of Knowledge On Reproductive Health And Associated Demographic And Socio-economic Factors Among Adolescent Students Attending Secondary School In Holata Town Ethiopia.

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Background: Reproductive health refers to state of complete physical, mental, and socialrnwellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters related to thernreproductive system and to its functions and process.rnSeveral reproductive health challenges confront adolescents (10-19 years) globally and are morernpervasive in developing countries where services and facilities are absent. The global burden ofrnsexual and reproductive health conditions can be expressed in absolute numbers: 60-80 millionrninfertile couples; 120-201 million couples with unmet need for contraception; 4 million newbornrndeaths, 8 million life-threatening maternal morbidities; 529,000 maternal deaths, including 68,rn000 from unsafe abortions. With 104 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19, Ethiopia’s highrnadolescent birth rate was likely associated with the low use of modern contraceptives.rnObjective: To assess the level of knowledge on reproductive health and associated demographicrnand socio-economic factors among adolescent students attending secondary schools in Holatarntown, Oromia special zone surrounding Finfinnee, of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia.rnMethods: School based cross-sectional study was conducted among secondary school regularrnstudents for 2019/2020 academic year in Holata town from randomly selected classes of twornschools using self-administered questionnaire. Multistage sampling technique was implementedrnand data were collected from 368 adolescents aged 15-19. SPSS version 20 package statisticalrnsoftware was used to enter and analyze the data. Binary logistic regression analysis was carriedrnout to identify significant associations between independent and dependent variables.rnResult: The mean age of the respondents was 17.4 (+/-1.262 years). Nearly 53% of them knewrnabout RH. The major discovery in this study was inadequate knowledge on RH among adolescents.rnThis makes adolescent more vulnerable to reproductive health problem, as testified by those, whornhave failed to continue with secondary school due to early pregnancy. Age (OR = 3.324, 95% CI:rn1.972-5.603), sex (OR = 1.47, 95% CI: 1.303-1.720), Marital status of parents (OR=1.826,rn95%CI: 1.199-2.781), ever attending school (OR=1.308,95%CI:0.777-2.203), mother educationrnstatus (OR=1.722,95%CI:0.823-3.603), participation in school RH clubrn(OR=1.457,95%CI:0.949-2.239) and health institution as means of access to information (AORrn= 4.778,95%CI:1.382 ,16.517) were associated with reproductive health knowledge.rniii | P a g ernConclusion: Reproductive health knowledge is low among adolescents in Holata town secondaryrnschools. Factors like age, sex, and parents’ marital status, participation in school RH club, healthrninstitution and friends as means of access to information about RH were the determinant of thernknowledge of RH of adolescents.rnRecommendations: Awareness creation through giving reproductive health education andrnincreasing mindfulness for students on all reproductive health components, problems andrnprevention method. Additionally, counseling and guidance services by allocating trained personrnhas a great importance and hence need to be given due attention along with establishing differentrnclubs in schools that promote sexual and reproductive health issues were some of thernrecommendations suggested

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Assessment Of Knowledge On Reproductive Health And Associated Demographic And Socio-economic Factors Among Adolescent Students Attending Secondary School In Holata Town Ethiopia.