Factors Associated With Low Birth Weight Among Recent Delivery In Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Introduction: Birth weight is one of the most predictive factors of child death in the first fewrnmonths of life and is an important indicator of Newborns' health. The incidence of low birthrnweight is estimated to be 16% worldwide, 19% in developing countries, and 7% in the developedrncountries. Currently, thirteen percent of Ethiopian babies are low birth weight and differentrnstudies reported that, the prevalence of low birth weight accounts about 8.8% and 10.5% inrnAddis Ababa and Tigray region, respectively. This study has primarily aimed to assess thernfactors associated with newborn birth weight in selected Addis Ababa Public Hospitals.rnMethods and Materials: Data collection for the present study was conducted in Addis Ababarnfrom March 2021 to April 2021. A facility-based Cross-sectional study was employed among 466rnmothers who gave birth in public hospitals during the study period. Primary data was collectedrnusing a structured questionnaire which is adopted from previous studies. The sample size wasrncalculated by Epi Info calc using an assumption of 95% CI, 80% power, 20.6 percent exposed,rn10.4 percent unexposed and 2.2 adjusted odds ratio. To recruit the study participants, systematicrnrandom sampling was used. Univariate, bivariate, & multiple logistic regression analyses wererndone. Adjusted odds ratios were used to identify the association between the key predictors andrnthe dependent variable. All statistical tests used in this study were two-sided and a significantrnassociation was declared at a p-value < 0.05.rnResult: Of the total respondents, 12.4% of them gave birth to low birth weight infants. Thernmedian age of the participant was registered to be 28yrs (IQR=7) and 92.3% of them werernmarried. The results of multivariable logistic regression showed the number of ante natal carernvisit (AOR=0.4, 95% CI 0.17-0.99), presence of abnormal uterine bleeding (AOR=10.9, 95% CIrn2.5-15.8), Experiencing of Pre-eclampsia or Eclampsia (AOR 9.5, 95% CI 4.8-10.8), havingrnAnemia (AOR=3.3, 95% CI 3.1-3.6), Chewing khat during recent pregnancy (AOR=7.9, 95% CIrn3.9-16.1), and pre-pregnancy maternal nutritional status (AOR=0.2, 95% CI 0.1-0.5) were foundrnto be key determinants of low birth weight among the study population.rnConclusion: - Encouraging the pregnant mother to have frequent ante natal care visits,rnbehavioral change communications targeting pregnant mother in improving women's nutritionalrnstatus, and reducing maternal toxic exposures should be priority areas of interventions to curbrnthe problem

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Factors Associated With Low Birth Weight Among Recent Delivery In Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia