Womens Participation In Household Decision Making And Its Associated Factors In Ethiopia Evidence From The 2016 Ethiopias Demographic And Health Survey

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Background: In Ethiopia like rest of the world, women have played indispensable role inrnimprovement of household’s well-being. However, women decision making concerning theirrnhealth care, major household purchase and movement outside of their home also determined byrnpre-disposing factors among married women not compressively understood, less investigated,rnand implemented in Ethiopia. Hence, principal aim of this study is to examine the levels andrnpatterns of women’s participation in household decisions and its micro-level socio-cultural andrndemographic factors in Ethiopia.rnMethods: The study used data from 2016 Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey (EDHS). Itrncomprised of sample women of reproductive age group from 15-49 years, living in rural andrnurban areas covering nine states and two city administrations, and have completed women’srnparticipation decision making data during the survey year. Descriptive statistics and maximumrnlikelihood estimation of logistic regression analysis applied to investigate participation ofrnwomen decision-making process and factors influencing women’s decisions making. The Statarnstatistical software used to analyze the data. Logistic regression models have been specified forrneach of decision making, diagnostic has been made for each of the models to test assumptionsrnrelated to logistic regression models.rnResults: Descriptive statistics analysis showed that about 70% of sample women participate inrnall decision type, 82% on their own health care, 78% on major household purchase and 82% onrnvisiting their relatives. The odds of making decision by primary, secondary and higher educationrnamong women who participate in their health care, making household purchase, visiting theirrnrelatives and all these decisions higher than compared to women having with no education.rnCompared to women who were in poorest household, those who were rich had higher odds ofrnparticipation in all decision area. Women’s age gap greater than equal to twenty years andrnbetween even and twenty years were significantly influenced women’s participation on decisionmaking of household purchase and visiting their family or relatives respectively. Access to mediarnnegatively and significantly influence women’s participation all of decision making and womenrnwho lived in rural area positively and significantly influenced women decision making on healthrncare only. Working status of women significantly influenced all of women decision-making areasrnexcept women’s mobility. Regions/sub-nationals has also positive and negative contribution inrnaffecting women’s decision making.rnConclusion: Considering the above results, women’s participation in household decision makingrnincreases by working on women’s centered education program, wealth improvement programrnsuch as employment importunities and women’s empowerment intervention in some of the ruralrnpart of the region.

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Womens Participation In Household Decision Making And Its Associated Factors In Ethiopia Evidence From The 2016 Ethiopias Demographic And Health Survey