Focus on prevention programmes will slow down the spread of AIDS. Since university studentsrnrepresent a strategic and vulnerable population, and there is a large need for effective 1-11 11rnprevention interventions among university students.rnThe study alfel71pted to investigate alfitudes and practices on HI li prevention among Addis AbabarnUniversity students. The basic objective a/the study was to assess respondents ' allitude. theirrnpractice on preventive measures against HIli/AIDS; and examinedfactors affecting allitude andrnpractice of the students related to HI li/AIDS prevention. A cross-sectional survey was employedrnto corry out the study. The study participants were selected/i'om the target population throughrnmultistage sampling. Data were collected Fom 606 AA U students using survey questionnaire.rnTwo FGDs and In-depth interview were also conducted. To analyze the data, descriptivernstatistics (Frequency and cross-tab), and logistiC regression model was used.rnThefindings of the study revealed that 207(34.2%) of respondents were sexually experienced. Ofrnthese, 144(23.8%) of the respondents had sexual intercourse in the last 6 months. The mean andrnmedian age at first sex debut was 17.8 and 18.0 years respectively. About 489(80.7%) did notrnperceive being as i/they are at risk (Jfcontracting HIli/AIDS. But 65.5% of the respondent hadrnfavorable alfitude on HIV prevention. 359(59.2%) of the respondents had experienced at leastrnone of the three HIli prevention practice. Of which. more than hal/ (52. 4%) adopted abstinencernas top preventive measure. The result also showed that out of the total re.lpondents· 47.2% hadrnbeen tested for I-II II/AIDS and more than 80% have willingness to take IICT service /ill'rn1-1l)!/AIDS. As to the Multivariate analysis result, sex, previous residence, religious participation.rnpornographic viewing, currently alcohol intake, chewing khat and cigarelle smoking were foundrnto be determinant of AA U students ' alfitude on 1-1111 prevention. Similarly, age. hal'ing pocketrnmoney, pornographic film show and currently khat chewing were determinants olpractices onrnI-II V prevent ion.rnAs can be seen Fom the study result that the majority o/the respondent thought as were not atrnrisk of gelling HI )!/AIDS, suggesting that respondents do not acknowledge personal susceptibilityrnto I-II)! in/ection that would necessitate the adoption ofprotectil'e measures that /CIrget unil'crsityrnstudents in Ethiopia.