Demographic And Socio-economic Determinants Of Environmental Knowledge And Attitude Towards Environmental Protection And Soil Conservation Activities In Samre District Tigray Ethiopia

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The general objective of th is study is to examine the demograph ic and soc io-economic determinants ofrnknowledge of head of the households on the environment and their attitude towards the environmentalrnprotecti on and so il conservation acti vities in the study area.rnThe source of data for this study was both primary and secondary. The primary source of data was a crosssectionalrndata on 450-sampled population, from fi ve kebeles selected through systematic sampli ng withrntheir prop0I1 ionai samples, tlu·ough household survey using structured questionnaire, in-depth interview,rnfocus group discussion and personal observation. The secondary source of data was collected throughrnstati stical abstracts, research reports, journals, Internet sources and related l iteratures.rnThe unit of analysis for thi s study was at the head of a household level. All kebeles were first studied theirrnagro-ecological zones, elevation range. average temperature, average rainfa ll , soil conservation activitiesrnand other cultural heritages. Five kebelles with their proportion and a household were selected byrnsystematic sampling.rnA descriptive statistics, bi- variate and multivariate analysis was used. In the case of multi variate analysi s,rnlogistic regress ion model was used to examine the degree of strength of relation ships between the set ofrndependent and independent variables knowledge and attitude.rnBy using the binary logistic regression model there is a significant difference in the Environmentalrnknowledge of the sampled population about the environment and soil conservation activities betweenrnmale and female, literate and illiterate, those who have better income and those do not have, and betweenrnthose who have media exposure and those do not have. On the other hand there is no significantrndifference of the respondents between the age group 40-65 and the reference category above age 65,rnbetween the c urrently married and the other group, house hold size and place of residence. Thernrespondent's attitude towards soil conservation and environmental protection has also a sign ifica ntrndiflCrence among the age groups, between currently married and the others, place of residence, mediarnexposure, literacy status and between those who take cr.edit in the preceded two to three yea rs or not. Onrnthe other hand sex, age group of 40-65, house hold size, remittance, off-farm activit ies, income differencernand number of li vestock has no sign ificant attitudinal effect.

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Demographic And Socio-economic Determinants Of Environmental Knowledge And Attitude Towards Environmental Protection And Soil Conservation Activities In Samre District Tigray Ethiopia