Determinants Of Womens Participation In Trading Activities The Case Of Saris Gebeya Women Taders

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The informal sector provides more than half of the employment in urban Ethiopia and plays anrnimportant role to absorb surplus labour and income generation in developing countries. In therninformal sector establishment of informal trade sector ranks second in terms of mlmber ofrninformal sector establishment in Ethiopia. Women are disproportionately located in the informalrnsector.rnA survey was conducted in March 2009 in Addis Ababa, 'Saris Gebeya' to assess the mainrnreasons underlying women's trading activities in the informal sector, to investigate therndemographic and socio-economic situation of women traders, to analyzes the factors which affectrnperformance of the informal traders and to suggest policy measures that improves women's rolern(participation) in informal trade in the study area. Enumerators administered structilredrnquestionnaire was usedfor data collection. Data were collectedfrom "Saris Gebeya" and a totalrnof 422 study subjects were included in the study, the data were cleaned, edited and entered in to arncomputer and analyzed using descriptive, bivariate, linear regression and multivariate statisticalrntechniques. Statistical tests were done at a level of significance of p < 0.05.rnThe study revealed that about 74% of sampled women traders are informal traders. There was arnsignificant association (p

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Determinants Of Womens Participation In Trading Activities The Case Of Saris Gebeya  Women Taders