Determinants Of Maternal Health Care Services Utilization The Case Of Gozamn Woreda East Gojjam Zone Of Amhara Region Ethiopia

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.. 14am' o(I'omen in del'eloping countries are 01 a greal risk in lerms o( high }}J{flernal 1110rbidilyrnand lIIorlaliry dill' 10 facIal's relaled 10 pregnancy and childbirrh in Ihese cOllnlries, A crossrnseclional sludy IDS condllcled ji-om Febmal), 15 10 .;farch 15, 2010 in Go~amin Woreda inrnAmhara Regional Slale to assess faclors a{fecling IIlili~alion of malernal heallh care services, Arn10101 o( 58- wOlilen ll'ho had 01 lisl one Ih'e birlhs in Ihefll'e years preceding Ihe surver lI'erernseleCled S)Slemalica//y. Dafa ll'ere collecled using a pre-Iesled and sll'llcfllred qlle,Hionnaires andrnFGD I'ere used 10 coileci qllanlilCllh'e and qualifalh'c dafa, resjJeclively. The analysis rnealedrnIhal abolll 59.3% o( Ihe II'Olilen had 01 leasl one prenalal l'isil dllring Iheir recel1l pregnancy,rnAbolltfor'y./ive percel1l of Ihose women (Illending al1lenalal care had Iheir/irsl visil during Iheirrn./irsllrimesler of pregnancy. Among ANC IIsers 6-1% a/had less Ihan(our al1lenalal care COlllaCISrnin Ihe recenl pregnancl', The 1110S1 imporlanl reasons for nOI a{{ending ANC care ll'ere beingrnhealihr and being 100 bllS)" .Ifajoril)' of deliveries look place al home: abolll 71% o{ de!ireriesrnlOok place 01 hallie. Presence o(,relmh'es nearby, hUl1.sporiolion problem, and lack o(pri'{/cyrnlFere Ihe main reasons Ciled./or resol'ling 10 hOl1le de!il·el)'. The l11ajorill' o(lhe respondel1ls 1 '1'1'1'rnable 10 nallle Ihe danger sign o(pregnancl' relClled problems. fnl11llliil'ariale analysis Ihe risk o(rnnon-allendance o( A/":C and home delivel), was higher/or Ihose ll'omen whose residence 1'asrnrural. 101' educalional S/{IIus, higher parily and being housewi('e 01 old age. In addition .-NCrnsen ice utilization significantly affect utili zation of delivery care provided in health institutionsrn(P-value less than 0.05). In conclusion, Ihe sludy rerealed Ihal more I 'Olllen all end ANC duringrnpreglwnc,I'lhan those derived al healil7 inslilulions. Demographic and socio-cullilral/aclors Il'erern/ollnd 10 be barriers 10 lIIili~alion of I11mernal heallh care services. Educating girls. pro'idingrnhealth education on mate rnal health care services, and impro'ing the sen 'ices of health extensionrnworkers in rural areas 'ere recomme nded to improve utilization of both services.rnKey ,,'ords: Maernal heallh care, al7lenawl care, place oj'delivel)" Amhara Region

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Determinants Of Maternal Health Care Services Utilization The Case Of Gozamn Woreda East Gojjam Zone Of Amhara Region Ethiopia