Demographic And Socio-economic Determinants Of Primary School Dropouts In Addis Ababa The Case Of Akaki Kality Sub-city

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This study examined the individual and household socioeconomic and demographic Actors thatrndetermine the chances of children's dropping out of school before completing grade eight. It isrnconducted in the Akaki KaliN sub-city, which is one of the peripheral sub-cities of Addis AbabarnCity Administration. Apart from identifying the main socioeconomic and demographicrndeterminants oj primary school drop out, the study attempts to Jorward detail accounts ojrnindividual and household characteristics related to children's dropout. Along the course oj therninvestigation structured questionnaire undJocus group discussion has been employed in order torncollect the household survey data and other related factors. Besides these the combination ofrnquantitative and qualitative methods has been used to analyze the determinants of childrenrnschool dropout from primary school. The quantitative data analysis was undertaken by variousrnstatistical methods and logistic regressionJor the examination oJthe influence oJthe explanatoryrnvariables.rnConcerning the findings of the study; parental education. age of the child and the householdrnhead, place of residence, the presence of younger children in the household shows significantrneffect on pupil 's dropping out of school. Where as, sex of children and the household head,rnhousehold size and the presence primary school age children and elderly people in thernhousehold demonstrate insignificant effect for primary school dropout. Parallel to thernquantitative analysis qualitative data are analysis and discussed separately and producernsupportive conclusions. On the basis oJthe results the paper finally suggests possible solution'srnthe reduction of the problem.

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Demographic And Socio-economic Determinants Of Primary School Dropouts In Addis Ababa The Case Of Akaki Kality Sub-city