Unsafe abortion is a preventab le tragedy and is one of the neglected problems of health care in developingrncountries. In February 2009 a cross-sectional study was co nducted in Bi shoftu town Oromia Regionalrnstate to assess the knowledge and attitude of female youth aged 15-24 years towards induced abortion. Thernstudy utilized both quantitative and qualitative (FGDs) methods. A total of 708 female youth wererninterviewed llsing pre- tested questionnaire. The data were ed ited, and en tereel into a computer andrnanalyzed using SI'SS WINDOW version 15. Odds ratios were ca lculated using logi stic regression modelrnto control conlollnders in the process of examining the effects of socia-econom ic and demographicrnpredictor var iables on knowledge and att itude of respondents towards induced abortion. Stat istical testsrnwere done at a level of significance ofp