Assessment Of Project Accountability To Affected People The Case Of Concern Worldwide Ethiopia

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This paper is titled as ’’Assessment of the Project Accountability to Affected People:rnThe case of Concern Worldwide’’. The study was conducted with the overall purposernof investigating the humanitarian project accountability to affected people. Allrnhumanitarian agencies have multiple stakeholders and a complex array ofrnaccountability relationships. In this study, the focus is on accountability to affectedrnpeople.rnThe research employed the following four aspects as an accountability frameworkrnwidely accepted by humanitarian partners and organizations: (1) Information provision,rn(2) Consultation, (3) Promoting participation, and (4) Complaints and feedbackrnmechanism. A serious of detailed questions were included to investigate everyrnframework indicated above.rnA total of 40 Concern staffs that were purposely selected from Concern WorldwidernEthiopia from seven different project locations of the organization to participate in thernstudy. Primary data was collected through structured questionnaire and key informantrninterviews. The primary data were analysed through SPSS and excel sheets. Allrnqualitative data collected were carefully organized and summarized as per the majorrnresearch questions.rnAs major findings of the study 62.08% agree or strongly agree that there is informationrnprovision in place, 74.2% agree or strongly agree there is consultation, 79.1% stronglyrnagree or agree there is participation, and 80% strongly agree or agree with the presencernof complaints and feedback mechanism in place.rnThe gaps identified include low information provision to beneficiaries on progressrnreports, updates and key findings from monitoring and evaluation, inconsistentrninformation provision, gaps in documentation and use of consultation outcomes, lowrninvolvement of project beneficiaries in project closing, capacity gaps at communityrnlevels, low documentation, and limited internal and partner staff capacity building andrnrefresher trainings. The main recommendations made include reinforce capacityrnbuilding and refresher trainings to internal staffs and beneficiaries, maximizerncommunity consultation, strengthen documentation at all levels, and further develop arnculture of compiling best practices and widely disseminating the same for use.

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Assessment Of Project Accountability To Affected People The Case Of Concern Worldwide Ethiopia