Effect Of Occupational Safety And Health On Project Performance The Case Of Building Contractors In Addis Ababa

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Occupational accidents are very common in construction industry but its impact on projectrnperformance was barely studied. The purpose of this study was to scrutinize effect of healthrnand safety practice on construction performance by giving due consideration on the impact ofrnoccupation accident of the three project performance measures: Schedule, cost and quality.rnAccordingly, two building construction companies of BC 2 and BC 3 were selected for thernstudy. The Companies have a combined staffs of over 100 out of which 15 staffs arernadministrative staffs and not directly exposed to construction site accidents and in effectrnexcluded from the study. The rest of the employees were entirely participated in the study.rnData were collected through questionnaire and analyzed through SPSS 20.0 using statisticalrntools like ANOVA, mean, frequency and Standard deviation. According to the study,rnconstruction place accidents were mainly emanated from failure of management to enforcernworkplace safety policy and procedure, incompetence on the side of employee and scarcity ofrnPPE. Accidents happened due to these reasons impedes project schedule through disruptionrnof operation ; escalate project budget due to raise in insurance premium , re-work ofrndamaged works and compensation for injured employees; and in general adversely affectrnproject quality .

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Effect Of Occupational Safety And Health On Project Performance The Case Of Building Contractors In Addis Ababa