The primary goal of the research is to investigate project quality management practices in Bankrnof Abyssinia , identify potential gaps, and offer suggestions to fill those gaps. To achieve thesernobjectives, census data was collected. A survey of 51 people was conducted, with49 (96 percent)rnof project staff and team members responding. The gathered data were analyzed usingrndescriptive statistics, with a focus on frequency, percentage, and mean value, and was producedrnusing the statistical program for the social sciences (SPSS) version 20. The reliability andrnvalidity of the data have also been considered. According to the findings of this study, there is nornseparate project quality management process that includes Plan Quality Management, ManagernQuality, and Control Quality. They do it inadvertently by trying to integrate with other activities.rnThe study also identifies other gaps in their project quality management process, such as a lackrnof responsibility, understanding, and skill among various stakeholders, as well asrnmiscommunication among them.