Assessment Of The Use Of Digitalization To Manage Construction Projects And Its Perceived Effect On Project Success

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Any country's socioeconomic growth is aided considerably by the construction industry. Due tornthe interdependencies of various diverse stakeholders, Construction projects are getting morerncomplicated and harder to manage. The state of the building construction sector demands increasedrnefficiency and digitalization, yet it is resistant to technological change, particularly in developingrnnations. In addition, how many companies are now using it and what areas have a high impactrnbut low use are not thoroughly explored in Ethiopia. This study evaluates the current use of digitalrnmedias in managing the 10 knowledge areas of project management in Addis Ababa's buildingrnconstruction projects. It also examines how building contractors (BCI) view the positive and negativernimpacts, benefits, and drawbacks of digitalization, as well as identifying high-impact areas with lowrnuse for improvement. This was done by using both descriptive and explanatory methods of research.rnA total of 94 building contractors where selected by using stratified random sampling technique,rnwhich used Government division of building contractors in to grades as a strata. Data were thenrngathered through questionnaire and interviews. Based on the assessment conducted, the generalrnuse of digitalization was found to be 1.84, which is moderate. In areas like project-integratedrnmanagement, project schedule management and project communication, the use of digitalizationrnis relatively high. While in areas like project quality management and project risk management,rnthe application is very low. The data also indicated that project closing phase is the area werernhigh use of digitalization was recorded, while project initiation phase is the area with low use.rnFinally, strong perceived effect was observed on project communication management, projectrnintegrated management and project scope management while on areas like project stakeholderrnmanagement and project procurement management, the opposite was observed. Based on therndata collected, priority areas for improvement were selected, those areas are project scopernmanagement, project quality management and project communication management. Thernresearcher finally recommends the identified areas to be improved and further research bernconducted in the area.

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Assessment Of The Use Of Digitalization To Manage Construction Projects And Its Perceived Effect On Project Success