Factors Influencing Effectiveness Of Monitoring And Evaluation Systems The Case Of Addis Abeba Bole International Airport Terminal 2 Expansion Project

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Project management has five basic functions which include project initiation, planning,rnexecution, Monitoring and evaluation and closure. Monitoring and evaluation is a continuousrnprocess of assessing the activities of the project with an opportunity for feedback that can bernused for future learning and growth. An effective monitoring and evaluation system plays anrnimportant role in realizing the goals of a project. This study aims to determine the factorsrnaffecting the implementation of M&E in the case of Addis Ababa Bole international airportrn(AABIA) Terminal 2 expansion project. Guided by results of previous related studies, the studyrnsets out to determine whether and how factors such as technical competency, budgetaryrnallocation, stakeholders’ involvement and politics within the project affect the implantation ofrnM&E systems on the case project. To this end, the study followed a qualitative approach byrnemploying a case study design. Purposive sampling technique was adopted using employee’srnposition, years of experience and employer as criteria to identify participants of the study.rnThrough this processes, three employees from the three major stakeholders of the case projectrnwhich includes the contractor, consultant and client were selected. A semi-structured interviewrnguide was used to collect data from the participants. Data was analyzed using deductivernthematic analysis method. The findings reveal that Stakeholders’ involvement and politics werernfound to have a negative impact on the implementation of M&E whereas budgetary allocationrnand technical competency did not impact the implementation of the M&E on the case project.rnFinally, based on the findings it was recommended that more emphasis should be given on howrnto handle negative outcomes of M&E by the stakeholders as they can be used to identify gapsrnwithin the project which in turn can maximize the efficiency of the project if dealt with in goodrntime, more involvement of the stake holders on the data collection and analysis part of M&Ernand trainings should be given to the staff, especially on the client’s side, in order to maximizerntheir efficiency.

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Factors Influencing Effectiveness Of Monitoring And Evaluation Systems The Case Of Addis Abeba Bole International Airport Terminal 2 Expansion Project