Factors Affecting Project Closure Practices Of Construction Projects A Case Study For Etete Constructio

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The study is about the factors affecting project closure practices of construction Projects basedrnon the completed projects of a grade one construction company ETETE Construction. It aims onrnassessing and examination of the practices of the project closure activities in the company inrnconsideration of successful completion factors for project closure process. The study considersrnfour criteria for evaluation of the project closure practices. These criteria are preparation ofrnproject closure documents, completing project closure actions, validating scope of projectrncompletion and creating closeout report. The criteria are taken from the standard definition inrnProject Execution & Closeout (AAUSC, 2018). Further the study also examines the effects ofrnfinancial, technical and administrative factors on project closure practices and along with triesrnto determine factors which most have an effect on assurance of timely project closeout. Finally,rnthe study also evaluates the competencies of the project team personnel in operating projectrnclosure activities and tries to determine the impact each project closure activity has on thernsuccessful completion of projects. The study employs primary data for its analysis. The primaryrndata is collected by questionnaire one mode of data collection technique. Responses wererncollected from project team personnel involved in those completed projects and professionalrnpersonnel from other ongoing projects. The study uses descriptive analysis to determine thernfrequency of practices and effects and also multiple regression analysis to determine thernrelationship between the dependent and independent variables. From the study, it is observedrnthat the company has shortcomings at planning and preparation of project closure activitiesrnwhich is conducted at the beginning of the project closing phase. As with most of thernconstruction works trends, the execution phase of construction projects extend to the completionrnof the project neglecting the closing phases. The study also observes there is weaknesses inrndocumenting, maintaining and using the archives of previous projects information. These are thernimportant lessons to be learned from. Even though, study observes that the constructionrncompany lists out and performs the remaining item of works, completes the project with all thernobjectives met and also the study notices that the company has a good reputation in terms ofrnquality achievement of the projects.

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Factors Affecting Project Closure Practices Of Construction Projects A Case Study For Etete Constructio