Assessment Of Challenges In The Implementation Of Independent Power Producer Projects The Case Of Tulu Moye Geothermal Project In Ethiopia

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Ethiopia's power demand has grown with its economic and population growth. The public sectorrnhas carried out mega power projects in the country. The government has increased its interestrnin private sector involvement in power generation. Since 2009 the Ethiopian Government hasrnbeen engaged with Reykjavik Geothermal Consulting, licensee of Tulu Moye and Corbettirnexploration, but has not materialized to power generation. Existing studies have not addressedrnthe reasons for the delay of IPP implementation in Ethiopia which has created a knowledge gap.rnThis research aimed to address the gap by identifying the challenges in Tulu Moye GeothermalrnProject implementation, assess the practice of IPP implementation in the Tulu Moye project, andrnidentify the roles and responsibilities of major stakeholders. Unstructured interviews werernconducted with participants that have direct involvement with the Tulu Moye project. Thernparticipants were employees from Tulu Moye Geothermal Operations Plc. (TMGO), EEP, PowerrnAfrica Consultants, MoFEC, and the Energy Authority. The result showed that the majorrnchallenges of Tulu Moye project implementation were lack of competitive and transparentrnprocurement, political instability, lack of knowledge in handling IPP negotiation andrnagreements, EEP creditworthiness, currency convertibility, absence of IPP supporting policies,rnprocedures, and guidelines, lack of sector coordination plan, and absence of cost-reflective tariffrnthat reduces risk mitigation requirement. The result also showed that the Major stakeholders didrnnot have clearly outlined roles and responsibilities which contributed to project implementationrndelay. The implementation practice of Tulu Moye was ineffective and tedious due to the absencernof IPP support policies, procedures, and guidelines. Adoption of one-stop-shop, clear legislation,rnpolicy and procedures with transparent procurement can increase private sector involvement.rnFurther research must be conducted to identify respective solutions to each identified challenge.rnAnd similar studies should be done in other technologies and projects to confirm or contradictrnthe findings of this research.

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Assessment Of Challenges In The Implementation Of Independent Power Producer Projects The Case Of Tulu Moye Geothermal Project In Ethiopia