Assessing The Effects Of Selected Factors On The Alignment Of Projects With Corporate Strategy In The Ethiopian Banks The Case Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia Awash Bank And Dashen Bank

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Alignment of projects with corporate strategy is a norm for most organizations inrnorder to prioritize, implement projects and successfully complete projects, and achievernthe corporate strategic objectives. The aim of this study was to examine the Effect ofrnSelected Factors on the Successful Alignment of Projects with the Corporate Strategyrnin the Ethiopian Banks, tasking the case of CBE, AB and DB. The study pursued tornidentify if Top Management Support, Organizational Structure, Team Building,rnCommunication System, and Monitoring and Evaluation have effect on the successfulrnalignment of projects with the corporate strategy in the selected banks. The researcherrnadopted both primary and secondary sources of data. The primary data were collectedrnthrough questionnaires and interview. The researcher then implemented bothrnqualitative and quantitative (mixed) research approach. The questionnaire data werernanalysed using descriptive statistics, correlations, and multiple linear regressionrnanalysis and the data from interview were triangulated with the descriptive part ofrnanalysis. The Pearson correlation result has shown that the independent variables ofrnTop Management Support, Organizational Structure, Team Building, CommunicationrnSystem and Monitoring and Evaluation have strong positive association with therndependent variable of Successful Alignment of Projects with the Corporate Strategy inrnCBE, AB and DB with values of 0.618, 0.501, 0.545, 0.518 and 0.590 respectively.rnThe results of multiple regressions revealed that Top Management Support,rnOrganizational Structure, Team Building, Communication System and Monitoring andrnEvaluation have positive and significant effect on the successful alignment of projectsrnwith the corporate strategy in the selected three Banks. Finally, the researcherrnprovides possible recommendations that were associated with the study findings andrnsuggests further study on the area.

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Assessing The Effects Of Selected Factors On The Alignment Of Projects With Corporate Strategy In The Ethiopian Banks The Case Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia Awash Bank And Dashen Bank