Subjective Experiences Of Clients Who Have Attended Psychotherapy At Tikur Anebessa Specialized Hospital And Zewditu Memorial Hospital Ethiopia 2021 A Qualitative Study

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Background rnPsychotherapy, traditionally known as talk therapy is one of the main management modalities usedrnin mental health. It is used to help clients with claimed psychosocial problems to overcome theirrnsymptoms and to improve their well being and mental health by applying psychosocial methods. rnClients are the reasons why all the psychotherapies are made for and understanding their subjectivernexperiences of the psychotherapies helps us the understanding them, to make psychotherapyrnmeaningful and to design contextual modalities of intervention compatible to a given psychosocialrncontext. This study focuses on assessing the subjective experiences of clients who have attendedrnpsychotherapy at TASH and ZMH. rnObjective rnTo explore and understand the subjective experiences of clients who have attended psychotherapyrnat TASH and ZMH, so that we would learn from how psychotherapy appears for the clients fromrntheir perspective. rnMethod rnQualitative study was conducted on clients who have attended psychotherapy at TASH and ZMHrnby using in-depth semi-structured interview questions that was prepared after referring differentrnarticles on the topic. Participants were recruited using non-probabilistic heterogeneous purposivernsampling technique from the hospitals referred above. Participants were those who have attendedrnpsychotherapy at least for four sessions, consented to take part, speak Amharic language fluentlyrnand on stable mental condition. Sampling proceeded until theoretical saturation was achieved.rnEight in-depth interviews were conducted and all were included in the results. The in-depthrninterviews were audio recorded, transcribed and translated into English. Thematic analysis wasrnused to identify key themes. rnFindings rn rnThe subjective experiences of clients who have attended psychotherapy were summarized in to four majorrnthemes with subordinate subthemes. Firstly, how clients perceived psychotherapy and all of them haverndefined it as a means of discharging out impacted emotions. They have also differentiated talk therapy fromrnother routine advices based on their experiences and they have had different types of goals set byrncollaborating with the clinicians. The second theme was their positive experiences and except one all ofrnthe participants had helpful experiences which were categorized under how it has impacted their selfrnconcept, their social life and their understanding of factors that had contributed to their illnesses. Clientsrnhave also described mechanisms at which how psychotherapy has healed them. In the healing process isrnattributed to clinicians’ factors such as empathic listening and clients’ factors such as willingness to bernhealed and their belief on the therapy. The third theme was the negative experiences of clients. They have experienced it due to different factors like the therapist, the society and the therapy itself. How they hadrnexperienced relationships were the fourth theme identified. rnConclusion rn rnClients have experienced psychotherapy as beneficial in most cases and harmful in some cases. Whatrnmattered most for the clients were; an empathic listening, unconditional acceptance and their connectionrnwith the therapist who is emotional sensitive and focusing on them as a person not on their problems asrnpriority. Therapists’ being not persistent and sensitive had a counterproductive effect on the therapeuticrnalliance and contributed to the worsening of symptoms. Clients were not comfortable with frequent turnoverrnof clients, being evaluated in front multiple people and long waiting time they spent. Most of the conceptsrnmentioned as healing mechanisms and negative impacts were mainly described in the contexts of identityrnof clients, interpersonal relationships and social life.

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Subjective Experiences Of Clients Who Have Attended Psychotherapy At Tikur  Anebessa Specialized Hospital And Zewditu Memorial Hospital Ethiopia 2021 A Qualitative Study