Quality Control And Inspection Of Purchased Materials (aears Study Of Evans Medical Plc, Lagos)

Purchasing And Supply Project Topics

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         The application of the principal of quality control and inspection of a product is essential to any company’s future   development and it is of increasing important if a company is to survive under increasing competitor and constant demand for more consistent and reliable product. The progressive manufacturing industries realign the contribution of quality control of quality of materials purchased.

         Therefore, it is essential controlling the quality of materials supplier since the helps to a great extent in increasing the profitability of the firm. This is because if materials supplied do not measure up to the specification wanted and if the faults are not detected before feeding them into the reproduction plants, the will affects the quality of materials manufacture by the company. This will not only mean waste of money but also disruption in production lines, reductions of sales. Lowering of the  reputation of the company concerned, and the items require may be in short supplier this will obviously affect the company adversely.

         Knowing the right quality material required, the specification and standardization, selecting the right supplier for the quality required; inspecting the materials purchase and a list of there are important in controlling quality of martial purchased.

         This will deals with in detail in chapter one which is the  introductory part of the review of the related literature of the work chapter two is concerned with the review of the related literature of work  the chapter thee is the methodology it discuss the method of data collection chapter four the analysis of the data collected and data discussion while chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendation.





















Title page                                               i

Dedication                                             ii

Acknowledgement                                 iii

Preface                                                   iv

Table of content                                     vii

List of table/figure                                  ix

List of abbreviations/definitions            x



1.1           Background of the study

1.2           Statement of problem

1.3           The purpose of study

1.4           Research questions 

1.5           Significance of the study

1.6           Slope and declamation of the study

1.7           Limitation of the study


Literature review

                  Responsibility for quality control and inspection

               Quality control

            Description of quality

            Quality determination and control

            Selecting supplier for quality


            Inspection classification

            The degree of inspection

            Receiving and inspection procedure


Research methodology


            Research design

            The questionnaire design

            Multiple question

            Dichotomous question

            Sampling and selection of respond

            The survey


            Data sources

            Primary source

            Secondary source

            Data analysis method


4.1                         Presentation and analysis of data

4.2                         Oral interview

4.3                         Discussion finding


Summary recommendations and conclusion




















Table 4.1                   Whether the company has equality control section

Table 4.2                   Whether there is a chief inspector

Table 4.3                   Whether there is a quality controller

Table 4.4         Whether there is a designed progrmme to control quality of materials

Table 4.5         If there was any thing to eject material

Tale 4.6           The treatment tot eh rejected material

Table 4.7         The defiled quilt standard of product defined

Table 4.8         Source of raw materials

Table 4.9         Quality control technique

Table 4.10       If inspection department is centrally controlled

Table 4.11       Gain of quality control

Table 4.12       Percentage of he company budgets repented by measurement of materiality













Quality control and inspection of materials is becoming of vital importance in every pharmaceutical industry today become of the hung sum of money involved in the procurement of materials.

It is   known that over half of every pharmaceutical company’s budget is on materials. It is therefore necessary that materials which meet the quality required are purchased.

The buyer, as a specialist, must function in one of the more sensitive areas of quality control and  inspection since he represents his organization in the definition, negotiation and implementation of a legal contact- the purchase order.

Quality is a basic concept in modern buying and selling and is taking a high degree of priority in materials requirement.

In many application, the performance specification is very rigid and call for careful quality control and by inspection by both the buying company and the selling company.

Quality control and inspection of materials includes among other things

1.                 The organization and procedure through which a producer measures and control the quality of the product manufactured.

2.                 The on-site checking of the manufacturing process.

3.                 The inspection and acceptance of the party materials and spares.

4.                 The assurance of compliance on the part of the supplier with specified quality levels.

5.                 Co-operating with vendors on quality problems.

6.                 The handing of rejects materials

7.                 The final and accounting aspect of rejection.

Quality control and inspection is the responsibility to some degree of the user department in an organization.

However, the buyer has the basic responsibility of adequately and

accountably specifying the quality requirement of materials purchased especially when material concerted are not  too technical in nature.

          In turn, the supplier has the basic responsibility of satisfying the quality requirement in conformance with the mutual agreed price and time schedule.

          The British standard institution defines quality more precisely as:- “The totality of features and characteristics of a product or services that bear on its ability to satisfy a given need”.

          Deniability is an extension of quality it the ability of an item to perform  required function under stated conditions for a stated period of item. Reliability can be expressed as a probability that a product will operate satisfactorily for the stated period of time.


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Quality Control And Inspection Of Purchased Materials (aears Study Of Evans Medical Plc, Lagos)