This paper focused on the problems of employee turnover and associated effect on service delivery. First the data were obtained through the questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires computed with the use of Excel sheet and computer software programs (SPSS) and interview questions were tabulated. Then data was coded, grouped and analyzed using appropriate values which was suitable for conclusion and recommendations. The researcher has used descriptive research method such as frequency, percentages, and charts which will make the research to be clear and easily understandable. Eighty-two Sheraton Addis Hotel’s employees have been participated as respondents. The respondents’ rate was 86.9% and also ten loyal customers were participated through interview process. Findings on the issue of causes of employee turnover are pay and benefits, promotion and transfer, lack of dawn ward communications and also these result in poor service delivery that affected the organization business at all. If there is a consistent employee turnover there will be deficiency in service delivery. As conclusion the research tried to find an answer for the problems that hampers service delivery due to employee turnover in Sheraton Addis Ababa Hotel. As the causes of employee turnover which were stipulated by managers and line associates were: pay and benefits, opportunity to growth, suitability of working conditions, involvement of decision making, promotion and transfer, faire treatment, and the balance between personal life and work. Moreover, we had seen the perspectives of managers and line associates of employee turnover and its effect on service delivery. The possible recommendation had been drawn. Training should be given on time through training department not by senior associates because this deter senior associates not to focus on their job, health and life insurance policy should be revised, a structured and known associate hearing committee should be in place, promotion and transfer have to be impartial and merit based that will attract many associates to stay longer and recognize associates whenever there is a need.