Utilization Of Long Acting Contraceptives Among Reproductive Age Women In Addis Ababa Public Health Centers.

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Background: Long acting contraceptives such as intrauterine devices and hormonal implants arernamong the most effective methods that prevent unintended pregnancies. Long actingrncontraceptive is more convenient to clients who want to space or limit their births. Clients havernbetter compliance to long acting contraceptive than the short acting methods, since they do notrnneed to remember to use them or to visit family planning clinics frequently for method re-supplyrnor administration. rnObjectives: To assess the utilization of long acting contraceptives among female familyrnplanning users at public health centers in Addis Ababa. rnMethods: A facility based cross sectional study that employed exit interviews with familyrnplanning clients and an assessment of the availability of the necessary resources was conductedrnin selected five public health centers, from March 11 –April 4, 2014 in Addis Ababa. Systematicrnsampling technique was used to select 447 study participants .Pre tested structured Amharicrnversion questionnaire was used to collect the data through interview and inventory was carriedrnout by using checklist. Both bivariate and multiple logistic regressions were used to identifyrnassociated factors. rnResult: Of 447 female family planning users interviewed 98.9% of them were aware of longrnacting contraceptive methods and 23.9% were using the methods. However, 48.3% respondentsrnhave negative attitude towards long acting contraceptive. Facility assessment showed that in thernhealth centers assessed there were no shortages of resources for provision of long actingrncontraceptive including equipments and supply, trained health provider and contraceptivesrnmethods. Attitude of clients, previous use of long acting contraceptive, desire to have no childrenrnin the future and discussion with partners about long acting contraceptives were factorsrnassociated with long acting contraceptives use. rnConclusion and recommendation: Knowledge about long acting contraceptive is high inrncontrary to the negative attitude for most respondents have towards the methods and low level ofrnutilization. Providing appropriate counseling on long acting contraceptive, strengthening rncontinuous education by model long acting contraceptive user, strengthening couple discussion rnand availing printed materials on long acting contraceptive are recommended.

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Utilization Of Long Acting Contraceptives Among Reproductive Age Women In Addis Ababa Public Health Centers.