Assessment Of Emergency Contraceptive Use Among Female Cobblestone Workers And Factors Associated With Its Use In Nefassilk Lafto Sub-city South Western Addis Ababa.

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ABSTRACTrnBackground: Emergency contraception(EC)is a type of modern contraception which isrnindicated after unprotected sexual intercourse when regular contraception is not in use.rnEthiopia being one of the countries with highest maternal mortality because of severalrnfactors such as low use of the avaialbe servics and technologies which eventualy contributernfor the death of mothers as a result of bleeding caused by abortion and the sufferingrnfollowed by dealing with all issues associated with having unwanted child which furtherrnresulted in social, economic and cultural problems demands a multiple approach. Therefore,rnthis study aimed to assess the use of EC among female Cobblestone workers and factorsrnassocited with its use in Nefassilk Lafto sub-city, Addis Ababa.rnObjectives: To assess the use of emergency contraception among female Cobblestonernworkers and factors associated with its use of Nefassilk Lafto sub-city,Addis Ababa.rnMethods: A cross sectional survey was conducted among Cobblestone workers in thernstudy area from March to April 2013. Study participants were selected by stratified randomrnsampling. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used for datarncollection.The data was collected using a structuered and pretested questionar, then datarnwas cleanced and enterd to EP-Info version 3.5.1 and then exported and analyzed usingrnSPSS version 16.0 stastistical software.rnResult- out of 422 study participants, 345(81.8%) had ever had sexual experience. Fromrnthe total respondents, 102 (24.2%) heard about EC, Correct timing of useing EC wasrnreported only by 41(40.2%). Of all who heard only 38 (11%) of them had ever used EC. Thernmajor sources of information about EC were family/friends. The Cobblestone project clinicsrnwere not providing family planning or EC services for Cobblestone workers.rnMarital status, educational status and number of sexual contacts of the respondent arernfactors which have a significant relationship with ever used of contraceptive. Thosernrespondents ever used EC was higher among respondents who were single than marriedrnAOR 0.36(95%CI:0.136,0.987) and respondents who had practiced any contraception, AORrn0.53(95CI: 0.083, 3.434).rnConclusions and recommendation: -The findings of this study shows that study subjectsrnhave low utilization of EC among female Cobblestone workers and no favorable access tornthe service.Hence there is a need for collaborated effort for the provision of reproductivernhealth service and demand for education.

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Assessment Of Emergency Contraceptive Use Among Female Cobblestone Workers And Factors Associated With Its Use In Nefassilk Lafto Sub-city South Western Addis Ababa.