Assessment Of Psychosocial Health And Risk Sexual Behaviors Of Students In Higher Learning Institutions A Comparative Cross-sectional Study Between Old And Newly Established Universities

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Students in higher institutions are exposed to many psychosocial problems and risky sexual behaviors asrnthey are away from their parents and possibly due to suboptimal counseling services. The problems mayrnbe more apparent in newly established universities. Despite this concern, there is no informationrnregarding the psychosocial health status and risky sexual behaviors of students in higher learningrninstitutions in Ethiopia.rnThe study aimed to assess and compare the magnitude of risky sexual behaviors and psychosocial illrnhealth among students of newly established and old universities.rnThe study employed a comparative cross-sectional survey supplemented with qualitative methods.rnCluster sampling technique was used to select the departments after dividing the total sample sizernproportionally to first year and second year students. A total of 1033 students were included in thisrnstudy: 518 from DBU and 515 from AAU. Quantitative data were processed in SPSS v.13.00 statisticalrnsoftware. Ethical clearance was obtained from ethical review committee of the school of public healthrnand institutional review board at Medical Faculty of Addis Ababa University. Taped qualitative datarnwere transcribed, translated into English, and manually analyzed by grouping into predeterminedrnthematic areas.rnThe response rate was 97.4%. The results indicate that significantly more students of DBU than AAUrn[(24.7%)versus 69(13.4%)] were likely to have had sexual intercourse [P

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Assessment Of Psychosocial Health And Risk Sexual Behaviors Of Students In Higher Learning Institutions A Comparative Cross-sectional Study Between Old And Newly Established Universities