Background- Antenatal care (ANC) is a widely used strategy to improve the health of pregnant women and tornencourage skilled care during childbirth. In 2007, the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia developed a nationalrnadaptation plan based on the new model (Focused Antenatal care) of the World Health Organization (WHO). rnAlthough antenatal services are well utilized in Addis Ababa (100% first visit coverage), there are gaps in fullrnimplementation of all components of Focused antenatal care. Currently, there are limited studies on thernimplementation of Focused antenatal care in Ethiopia including in the study area. rn rnObjective-To assess the implementation of Focused Antenatal Care in public health centers of Addis Ababa.rn rnMethodology- Facility based cross sectional study using quantitative supplemented with qualitative data rncollection methods were conducted from July to August 2013. Eight hundred Sixteen sessions of Antenatalrncare were observed in ten health centers. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used forrnquantitative and qualitative components of the study respectively. A pretested semi structured interview guidernand structured checklist was used to collect data. Data were entered with EPI-info version 3.5.1 and cleanedrnwith, analyzed by SPSS version 20. Data was analyzed using descriptive and bivariate statistics and thematicrnanalysis for in-depth interview. rn rnResults- The study revealed that the health care providers’ performance by five FANC components was asrnfollows, on average comprehensive history taking had the highest performance (92%) and lowest performancernwas in clinical examination (54%). There was statistically significant difference (p