Cost Of Major Mental Illnesses To The Public Health Service Provider Amanuel Hospital Ethiopia

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Background: Mental health is about enhancing competencies of individuals andrncommunities and enabling them to achieve their self-determined goals. Since mental illnessrnis problem of society as a whole, it is a major challenge to global development. rnObjectives: To estimate the economic cost of major mental illnesses and determinants ofrncost from the public health service provider’s perspective. rnMethods: The design of the research was hospital based cross sectional quantitativernsurvey. The costing method that the research used was prevalence based bottom-uprncosting approach. The cost identified is direct costs incurred by the health service providerrnfor providing mental health service during one year period for major mental illnesses.rnUsing this method cost was estimated by calculating average costs of major mentalrnillnesses (Schizophrenia and Bi-polar). The average cost of treatment was identified byrnadding together the various pieces of cost of treatment. Cost items identified fromrnoutpatient, inpatient and emergency departments and laboratory units. Additionallyrnphysical resources of the hospital used were also added. rnResults: The hospital incurred a unit cost of 1,204.2 ETB to provide mental health servicesrnfor major mental illnesses. The marginal cost of providing health care for each additionalrnpatient at the hospital was 118 ETB. The hospital incurred a unit cost of 229.3 ETB tornprovide emergency health service, 23,016.1 ETB to provide inpatient health and 611.4 ETBrnto provide outpatient health service for major mental illnesses. Among the total hospital rncost the drugs cost amount was 31.5 ETB, 220.4 ETB and 496.6 ETB for providingrnemergency, inpatient and outpatient mental health service respectively. rnConclusion: Distribution of the hospital cost significantly differs by the residence area ofrnthe patients. Distribution of the hospital outpatient cost significantly differs by the numberrnof visits made to the outpatient department of the hospital. Providing inpatient mentalrnhealth service is more costly than outpatient and emergency mental health services.

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Cost Of Major Mental Illnesses To The Public Health Service Provider Amanuel Hospital Ethiopia