Assessment Of Quality Of Family Planning Services In Dilla Town Gedeo Zone Snnpr National Regional State.

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Background: Family planning programs have contributed greatly to fertility decline in developingrncountries, quality of family planning services is to have contributed to increasing contraceptive useand declining fertility rates. Good quality care in family planning services helps individuals andrncouples meet their reproductive health needs safely and effectively.rnObjective: To assess the status of quality of Family Planning services in Dilla town Gedeo Zone,rnSNNPR National Regional State.rnMethods: A facility based cross sectional survey was conducted from January 15- Feb 6,2012 in sixrnservice delivery points in Dilla town using a Bruce-Jain framework consisting six elements ofrnquality measuring tools such as; method choice, provider-client information exchange, providerrncompetence, client-provider interaction (interpersonal relation), mechanism to encourage continuity,rnand appropriate constellation of services. Observation was made 89 clients interacting with theirrnproviders, exit interview was conducted with 401 clients, and facility audit was also carried out.rnResult: Overall 67.1 %clients were satisfied on perception of quality of care on family planningrnservices. The providers treated the clients respectfully in 52 % of the consultations and Privacyrnwas maintained 68.9% of women. Information given to clients; clearly explained, informed aboutrnother contraceptive method other than client’s preference and a opportunity to ask question andrnclarity was 37.2%, 45.9% and 28.7% were responded that the method respectively.rnMultivariate analysis of clients’ satisfaction shown that Client follower of Orthodox and protestantrnwere 70 and 69 %less likely to be satisfied than client who had follower of Muslim and Catholicrnreligion, were [AOR= 0.30 (95%CI 0.12-0.80)] and [AOR= 0.31 (95%CI 0.12-0.81)] respectively.rnClients who perceived that provider easily understandable were nearly seven times more likely tornbe satisfied than those clients who perceived that provider was difficult or don't understandable.rn[AOR =6.7 (95% CI 3.28-13.88)]. Clients who the method was clearly explained three point sixrntimes more likely to be satisfied than those clients the method was not clearly explained.[AOR=rn3.6 (95% CI 1.96-6.40)].rnConclusion: A study revealed that constraint in the delivery of family planning quality care,rnoverall client satisfaction on perception on quality of family planning services was moderate,rnwhich mostly account from information given to clients, and treated the clients respectfully,rnmaintained privacy during consultation and waiting area lacked seat accommodate client load.

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Assessment Of Quality Of Family Planning Services In Dilla Town Gedeo Zone Snnpr National Regional State.