Health Facility - Household Nexus For Palliative Care Among Adult Cancer Patients In Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Based on a world health organization report in 2020, over 56 million people arernestimated requiring palliative care every year and of which 76% are from Low and Middle-incomerncountries; where a majority of 67.1% are adults; of those, 69% of palliative care need is associatedrnwith non-communicable diseases, and only 14% of people who needs palliative care are currentlyrnreceive it; mainly cancer accounts for 34% out of the non-communicable diseases in need ofrnpalliative care. The critical point in palliative care services is to ensure the continuum of care andrnaddress patient needs as they pass through the referral pathways between the community andrnfacility-based palliative care services. rnObjective: To explore the nexus of health facility and household palliative care for adult cancerrnpatients in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.rnMethod: Qualitative study was conducted in Addis Ababa from August 01- September 30, 2020.rnThe investigator conducted an in-depth and key informant interviews through an open endedrninterview guide. Data were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and finally imported to Openrncode version 4.02 software for coding and analyzing. Tanahashi framework was adopted to classifyrnand organize data according to the key themes, concepts, and emerging categories.rnResults: Twenty-five respondents participated in this study. The continuum of palliative care wasrndescribed as the relation between hospitals and home-based palliative care whereas nongovernmentalrnrnsupport the community and health facilities by hosting training; volunteersrncontributes a lot to the continuum of palliative care starts at household level respondents statedrnthat volunteers, family members, hospital care providers, and neighbors are used as a connectivernplug for the continuum of palliative care. rnConclusion: The continuum of palliative care mainly depends on volunteers, non-governmentalrnorganizations based in Addis Ababa which includes hospitals in the loop of continuity. However,rnvolunteers link cancer patients from the community to home-based palliative care. Mainly shortagernof pain relief medications, turnover of staff, shortage of educated personnel, was mentioned as arnbarrier to the continuum of palliative care whereas availability of national palliative care policy,rnworking palliative team/group, and commitment were facilitators.

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Health Facility - Household Nexus For Palliative Care Among Adult  Cancer Patients In Addis Ababa Ethiopia