Non Governmental Organizations Partnerships For Poverty Aleviation In Addis Ababa

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Poverty is a multi-dimensional and multi-sectoral phenomenon. Hence no single institution canrnaddress all the dimensions of poverty. Further, no single problem can be solved anyonerninstitution. On the other hand, there is ample evidence of success due to partnerships where jointrnefforts have proved a worthwhile option than merely shouldering the responsibilities by ei therrnpublic, or private or non-profit sectors. Partnership between various sectors in public servicesrndelivery has become a viable option in di ffe rent parts of the world. Business sector and civilrnsociety are getting increasingly involved in social development through reduction ofrnunemployment, elimination of social inequalities and exclusions. Indeed, partnership processesrnunlock diverse potentials and make available innovative solutions.rnThis research attempts to delineate the range of partnership pattern for poverty alleviation amongrnCivil Society Organizations and between them and Governments, and Private sector in the AddisrnAbaba city. This study followed qualitative strategy to a large extent. Survey method was used torngather information from forty-three representatives from Non Governmental Organizationsrn(NGOs). Interviews were also held with the concerned officials of different governmentrninstitutions such as Addis Ababa City Administration covering Houses Development ProjectrnOffice and Addis Ababa Housing Agency. At the sub-city level, Arada Civil and Social Affairsrnand Cooperative Offices were also covered. A few community based organizations such asrnJddirs, Councils of lddirs, and Cooperatives such as Saving and Credit Cooperatives, andrnConstruction Cooperatives were also contacted for various other information needed for thisrnstudy.rnCurrently, governments at various levels are trying to alleviate poverty from the country.rnPoverty in Addis Ababa has also received considerable attention from various stakeholders. Inrnthis endeavor, the contribution of stakeholders cutti ng across all the sectors is crucial. NGOs arerntrying their best to incorporate the voice of the poor in policy cycle. In addition, NGOs arerndirectly intervening on different areas to end up poverty from Addis Ababa. A substantialrnnumber of NGOs have developed partnership among themselves in the last five years.rnNevertheless, they could achieve very limited partnership with the private sector institutions.rnTheir partnership with the public sector is largely confined to implementation of projectsrntogether. However, it could be observed that the partnership between the Public and Non Profitrnsector is very much limited compared to the range of areas in which they can collaborate.rnThough the concept of institutional partnership is relatively new, many NGOs could realize thernbenefits of partnership such as reduced costs, sharing workload and increased efficiency. Most ofrnthe partnered organizations also faced problems such as lack of cooperation from their partners,rnlack of partnership experience, and misuse of resources are some of the problems that hinders thernsmooth development of pal1nership. To overcome these problems, constant progress report, andrnfrequent audit could reduce the abuse of resources and may strengthen the partnership. Inrnaddition, once some problems occur, all the stakeholders should take immediate action to resolvernthe problems rather than leaving it unresolved for good.

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Non Governmental Organizations Partnerships For Poverty Aleviation In Addis Ababa