Assessment Of Contraceptive Utilization And Associated Factors Among Female Adolescent Students In Secondary And Preparatory School Of Sebeta Townoromia Regionethiopia.

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Background: Contraceptive is a key intervention in reducing and preventing unintendedrnpregnancy and their negative health consequence among young people. It also improvesrnadolescent‟s sexual and reproductive health, social and economic well-being. Little is knownrnabout use of modern contraceptive among adolescent and factors influencing its use amongrnyounger school girls in Ethiopia. Therefore, assessing contraceptive utilization and identificationrnof context and area specific determinants and gaps are vital that provide baseline information forrnconcerned body of evidence and enable one to take effective intervention concerning sexual andrnreproductive health of younger girls in the local context.rnObjective: The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of contraceptive use and associatedrnfactors among secondary and preparatory school female adolescent students in Sebeta townrnOromia region, Ethiopia.rnMethods: An institutional based quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted among 583rnadolescent (15-19 years) students in secondary and preparatory school of Sebeta town Oromiarnregion from April–May 2021. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select students. Therndata was collected by using a pre- tested structured self-administered questionnaire. The datarnfield was edited and entered in to EPI-data version 4.3 and cleaned then exported to StatisticalrnPackage for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 for analyses. Variables p-value < 0.25 in thernbivariate analysis were entered in the multivariable logistic regression analysis and a p-value of

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Assessment Of Contraceptive Utilization And Associated Factors Among Female Adolescent Students In Secondary And Preparatory School Of Sebeta Townoromia Regionethiopia.