Assessment Of Emergency Contraceptive Utilization Among Unmarried Eomen Working In Bole Lemi Industrial Park Institutional Based Cross Sectional Study Design.

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Background: Emergency contraception (EC) or post-coital contraception refers to any methodsrnof contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy in the first few days after exposure tornunprotected sexual intercourse. Unwanted pregnancy and its potential life threateningrncomplications could be avoided by using contraceptives, including emergency contraceptives, ifrnthese emergency contraceptives used within the recommended time period of exposure tornunprotected sexual intercourse and it also provide a second chance of preventing the occurrencernof unwanted pregnancy. rnObjectives: To measure the levels in emergency contraceptive utilization and factor associatedrnwith its use among unmarried women who work at Bole Lemi Industrial Park, Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia, 2019/20. rnMethods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 812 randomly selected unmarriedrnwomen working in Bole lemi industrial park from four (4) companies and self-administeredrnstructured questionnaire were used to collect the data. The collected data was entered into EPIdatarnrnsoftware and exported to SPSS for analysis. Descriptive statistics was calculated for thernprevalence of KAP on unmarried women who work in Bole Lemi industrial park and presentedrnusing texts, tables and figures. Besides, bivariate, multivariate logistic regression and negativernbinomial models were fitted to identify factors associated with the emergency contraceptivernutilization and presented using tables. rnRESULT: Only 115 (30.9%) of sexually active, (31.5%) of those ever heard EC or (15.7%) ofrnthe study participants used emergency contraceptives after having unprotected sexual intercourse. rnHowever (21.4%) of them had a history of unintended pregnancy and (82.1%) of this pregnancy rnended up with abortion. Religion, ever had sexual intercourse and contraceptive ever used havernstatistical significant association with EC utilization (p

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Assessment Of Emergency Contraceptive Utilization Among Unmarried Eomen Working In Bole Lemi Industrial Park Institutional Based Cross Sectional Study Design.